Deal All, hope youre doing well. Music Beyond Borders sent us a - TopicsExpress


Deal All, hope youre doing well. Music Beyond Borders sent us a message about an exciting project that documents how the political prisoners that were incarcerated in South Africa during Apartheid used singing to convey their beliefs. Here is the message in full: Quote Gaëlle Mourre Nov 14th, 12:50pm Dear Sir, Madam, I am contacting you on behalf of the founders of Music Beyond Borders ( who have started an initiative to record the songs sung by Political Prisoners during Apartheid. They are also hoping to make a feature documentary by interviewing and recording some of the ex Political Prisoners. Currently, they are leading a Kickstarter campaign, which I am helping them with (I am also an Editor on the project): https://kickstarter/projects/395100009/singing-through-the-pain-music-in-the-apartheid-pr?ref=nav_search Here is a message from the MBB founders: Singing Through the Pain: Music Inside the Apartheid Prisons is our documentary film about the power of music for political prisoners incarcerated in South Africa during Apartheid for daring to defy a racist regime by insisting on freedom for all. These men and women used song to survive unimaginable oppression and injustice, many serving lengthy prison terms... We have exhausted our own personal funds during the past few years of working, recording, filming, traveling, etc. We need to take the project one step further so that we can give these courageous and victorious individuals the global audience that they deserve. Our promise to finally give voice to the veterans has got to be fulfilled. We have been working with heart and soul and our own funds for almost three years. Significantly, their stories remain relevant today as protests in music continue against repressive regimes. Crimes against humanity must be documented and a collective memory must be preserved. I was wondering if you might be able to post the Kickstarter campaign link on your facebook page and perhaps know of people who might be interested in this project? Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you kindly for your time and attention, All the best, Gaëlle Unquote Thank you very much Gaëlle for reaching out to us. We wish you all the best and hope youll be able to raise the rest of the necessary funding You can view the documentary at this link: https://kickstarter/projects/395100009/singing-through-the-pain-music-in-the-apartheid-pr?ref=nav_search
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:05:35 +0000

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