Dealing With Pain & In a Shared Room, Out of the Chaos - TopicsExpress


Dealing With Pain & In a Shared Room, Out of the Chaos Dorm… While I am dealing with pain in my back; throat and gas buildup due to the stent; upset stomach, and the new Port that has the chemotherapy chemicals ‘5-Fluorouracil’, continuously being pumped into my Port and body, it takes so much strength from me to do much of anything, let alone what I am doing now, but I needed to update you! It took me a half hour after I brought my pc to the second floor dining room to set it up in order to write this and let you know what’s going on currently; I am that weak while dealing with more pain than I want! On this last Monday my chemotherapy started, but if I already told you, please forgive me while part of me just wants to go back downstairs and sleep, though the other part of me needs to let you know again, what’s going on! On Tuesday when I got back from my dental appointment and started to enjoy my liquid meal, I was notified that I was being moved to a shared room in the Medical Dorm. I was glad, though again very weak since it seems my energy has been drained with a combination of a lack of food in my system, and possibly the chemical that I am now getting according to my doctor. I was so glad to ‘finally’ have been moved and able to get out from the chaos and more of the dorm! Not long after I was settled in, I decided to hit the hay early and was close to falling to sleep when there was a knock on the door with one of the Staff Members notifying me at 8pm that my new roommate, Vernon, was going to be moving in. I was tired, but managed to stay up for the two hours that it took him to move in. I wanted to offer to help, but had little energy left to even move out of my own way in case a fire alarm went off, which one did three days back!! Not fun!! My back’s been in pain lately as well, so yesterday while I was heading back from an appointment at MARC – Medical Arts & Research Center, I stopped at CVS Pharmacy and got me a heating pad for my back, plus. I had been tossing the idea around for a few days and finally realized and admitted that I needed it! I also need to find a Chiropractor that is local so I don’t have far to go for treatment, but know that will help me out if my back’s adjusted again! The reason I had an appointment at MARC is due to Dr. Johnson, who was going to be my Surgeon until more Cancer was found. Yesterday’s visit revealed that I have a Kidney Stone that’s blocking a major part of my left tube from letting urine empty off into my bladder! Today I finally met my Medicaid Doctor and filled her in on all the different doctors I have, along with my current health condition, and the medications that I am taking. She is having me go back over to the Robert Green Campus (where she’s at) to Express Med to have another DT-Anticoagulation test done. She wants to know why they stopped the Coumadin Pill, though continued with the Lovenox. I told her that according to the second doctor there that my body was reacting to the mixture of both and that I needed to be cut down to the Lovenox since I have a swallowing problem! I am getting so tired of all the doctor’s visits I must make due to my condition, while I am trying to schedule any future appointments for later in the day in order to sleep in since it is now sometimes difficult for me to sleep with my Gas problem and the extreme pain that it causes when I do manage to either burp or cough it up; on a scale of 1 to 10, my pain when it does come up is an ‘8’! Not pain I’d wish on anyone else to have to deal with!! On this next Monday, the 23rd, I go back to the Chemotherapy area at CTRC to have the bag in my fanny pack changed, though at some point my chemotherapy is going to be stopped temporarily in order for the next surgeon to do his or her job on my Kidney Stone, then go from there! On October 3rd, I have another appointment with Dr. Lu, who is my Chemotherapy doctor, while that same day I need to get three tests done in order to get my Kidney Stone surgery done, so my day will be quite busy, and I will be exhausted by the time it’s all over!! I have to get the tests done by the 7th, which is the day that my 5-Fluorouracil bag will need changing, and is the same day that I was scheduled to go back to the Robert Green Campus to see my Medicaid Doctor for a follow-up, which will have to be changed ‘tomorrow’! On the 8th I have another Dentist appointment; then I will be paying another visit to the main hospital to see an anesthesiologist about my Kidney Stone, then on the 15th, or thereabouts, I will be getting the needed surgery, and soon after be put back on Chemotherapy. Most of my plans of doing things for fun are now going to have to be put on hold since I am still trying to build my weight back up while building my strength as well! And with all the chemicals, plus their reactions on my body, they will continue to do a number on it as well! IF I COULD ONLY WALK AWAY FROM MY HEALTH CONDITION WHILE TURNING TO SEE ALL MY CANCER, BLOD CLOT, AND BACK PROBLEMS, DROP TO THE GROUND, THAT WOULD BE SO NICE, BUT…! I will continue to go to church though, but like this last Sunday, it will take a lot of concentration and pulling together as much strength as I can in order to go! I am not myself either, so I will not be as talkative as usual, and may even be like a wallflower, I’ll be that quiet due to the pain! I met another member that stays in the same dorm area that I do and he was telling me some horrifying stories that have me wondering now! There are two guys that are going downhill fast while one has been fighting colon cancer for quite a while, and another guy has rectal cancer. It is not good while he told me that they aren’t expected to live much longer, while he’s been fighting stomach cancer, has no esophagus to swallow with, died on the floor of the dorm and had several pints of blood put back in his body, then was revived! He doesn’t expect to live much longer, while the two guys on either side of him aren’t expected to live much longer as well! It is real scary for me since I am so gung ho on moving back to California to be near my mother and call the Antelope Valley ‘home’ for the rest of my days, but the way my health is currently and that guy telling me about the deaths here, really scares me! I ask for your prayers, for those of you that pray, and for those of you that don’t, please keep good thoughts for me as I am again having a hard time dealing with my current health situation and the added pain!! Again, and before I get too tired to continue, I wish that you are doing a lot better than I am and have a wonderful weekend, as well as just as great a week to follow!
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 22:15:10 +0000

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