Dean Ambrose vs. John Cena (Contract on a Pole Match) Rollins - TopicsExpress


Dean Ambrose vs. John Cena (Contract on a Pole Match) Rollins music hits before the bell and he comes out to watch the match to determine who he will face at HIAC. Orton also makes his way out o watch and then Kane joins them as well. The bell rings and both men immediately go for the contract. They start trading shots and Ambrose takes control first. Cena catches Ambrose before he can grabs the contract and suplexes him a couple of times to keep him down. Ambrose asks for a third and Cena obliges. Ambrose counters a running bulldog and sends Cena out of the ring. He fights Cena up the ramp to the stage. Cena tries for an AA, but Ambrose counters and hits a suplex on the steel grating. Cena barely catches Ambrose again and he ends up locking him in the STF. Ambrose bites Cenas hand to break out of the hold and then he dropkicks Cena down to the floor. Cena hits Ambroses head against the steel steps a few times an then Ambrose runs him into the barricade. Ambrose gets into it with The Authority and then Cena grabs Ambrose and throws him into The Authority. Cena gets in the ring and Orton attacks him. Ambrose comes in and it turns into a 3-on-2 situation with The Authority attacking Cena and Ambrose. Cena and Ambrose clear the ring and Cena hits the AA on Kane as Ambrose grabs the contract. Winner: Dean Ambrose -Faatz
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 03:08:10 +0000

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