Dear Activists and Friends. I wanted to share my Short story about - TopicsExpress


Dear Activists and Friends. I wanted to share my Short story about Peace Climate March. Your feed backs and comments are welcomed :) I am Mariem werchefeni. I am a peace Activist from Tunisia. I have been living in New York City for 5 weeks. I was a volunteer in People’s Climate March on September 21 and I would like to share my short story with you. The 21st of September wasn’t only the International Day of Peace and the People’s Climate March. It was a turning point in History. People came from different backgrounds, joined the March, together, hand in hand, to have their voices heard and to bring positive changes to the world. They came out all together defending one case, leaving behind them all their differences and conflicts in terms of Religion, culture, political beliefs, race, gender…. They united calling for Climate and social justice, human rights, freedom, peace, equality, sanitation, democracy, decent life, education, clean fresh healthy air, animal’s rights… It was such a huge unprecedented March. I felt so overwhelmed, proud, enthusiastic and confident because now no one will be able to shut our voices down. Nothing will stop us from building our green future. Being together is empowering us day after day. Unity, solidarity, power, cooperation, humanity, empathy, sympathy, leadership, volunteerism, activism, persistence and determination to accomplish A Climate of Peace are no longer just Concepts and theories. I actually felt that, saw it and experienced it. We have been marching together tirelessly, sharing food, stories, ideas and ambitions. We have been shouting out loud to protect our mother nature. Now, our voices will be definitely considered because those who are in power will be haunted by our screaming that will be ringing unceasingly into their ears. People woke up from their passivity and they are now full of POSITIVE anger and they are conscious of their roles, rights and duties. Thus, they will be no room for other deceptions, misleading and lies. We are sick of being sick of fake promises. We need action NOW ‘Actions speak louder than words”. We are sick of listening to lies and waiting for you to make our future. Enough is enough. We are the positive change and decision makers now. We will be building our Green Future now. Yes there is unity in diversity and yes “Diversity is a blessing and not a curse’. The March seemed like a festival colored by people‘s various cultures: some were using drums and singing, others were dancing…. People were expressing themselves freely with no pressure. Children, handicapped and old people even animals joined us in the March. The generation gap concept wasn’t present at that moment because all the generations were united for one case and having one voice. I saw people from different religious backgrounds hugging and raising their hands together against injustice. It is no longer about conflicts between them because now they are focusing of the world’s benefit and future. They are supporting one case to have one world, one earth, one love. It is the Love of their earth that have been feeding them for a long time. We have been holding peace ribbons in our hands, expressive paintings and banners. The end of the march was not the end of our struggle to live green but actually it was the beginning of our green story, our green future. It was about people’s awakening from their passivity. I am asking you all dear friends to join us in our case in defending our human rights in having a green life for ourselves and for the following generations. Volunteering is a blessing opportunity to have your voice heard, to make changes. I am Tunisian and a lot of people were asking me; why are you volunteering in USA? You are Tunisian and you should benefit your country. Why are you losing your time in volunteerism? You are not paid for it. Do you think that you will be a hero and change this f….. Reality? Do you think they will even consider your demands?” Some people also told me: we thought it’s only about Environment…. Well, my response to this kind of pessimist, narrow-minded people is: Money doesn’t buy happiness, self-esteem and inner peace and satisfaction. I volunteer for Humanity’s Future and to enjoy my right of expressing myself. Thus, being in USA now doesn’t mean stop being active because Human rights are universal and after all I am protecting OUR GLOBAL MOTHER NATURE AND EARTH and Human Rights. Volunteerism is also your duty so please stop being only a pessimist and a consumer who is burdening the world. You should start looking at things from different angles and brighter sides. Be a decision maker and don’t let others enslave you and oblige you to ‘live “your life the way you want it. Peace and much Respect Mariem werchefeni Tunisian Peace Activist I was not delivered unto this world to be defeated: I will persist until I succeed The commitment is the ability to move from one failure to another without losing your own enthusiasm
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 17:10:07 +0000

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