Dear Admin, Those of us who have something, or some ones to - TopicsExpress


Dear Admin, Those of us who have something, or some ones to show for our climbing will atest to the fact that there comes a time when the young hatchlings out grow the nest and with it the need to be shipped off to boarding school to learn among other valuebles, the intricate bussiness of being indipendent. such was the case for my eldest, Cess. we sent her to a boarding school in class seven leaving behind her younger sibling Diki. Diki, or Dicky as her her sis is wont to call her, eventually came of age and it was time for her to join her sisters former school more intent on pocket money and the goodies splashed during visitation than in acquiring knowledge. by this time, their mum, Fasie, and i had hit a rough patch and as is the custom, we had drifted apart only coming together for the well being of the two girls. a duty rooster had been drafted which us alternatively attend the parents days in any given. last year second term was my turn to vissit Dicky while she had a week to vissit Cess in her boarding sec school. before i get caught up in what is comming, let me dispense some wisdom in the quantum physics that is the choice of a good boarding school particulary for primary school clients. a good boarding school should always, without exemption, always be in your home area. that ensures that your kin are always near to attend to emergencies or to run errads while u are far away or otherwise commited in the rat race of survival and school fees gathering. that, like ken wa maria would urgue, is the funda-mental principal of a good boarding school. having done the first two core principles of our industry (educate and inform) let me delve into the last of the three and attempt, as prompted, jabbed, slain, mocked and dared by my good buddy @Hilton chef, to enyrrtain you dear friends. mid year last year i left the humid surburbs of pwani si kenya and drove in the pujo all the way to Thomson falls to attend a parents day for my younger daughter Dicky. by midday, i parked the west germany / france contraption outside the admin block of a school a few kilometers from nyahururu town and stepped out stretching and scanning the sea of young faces that had camped near the dinning hall for my little gal. kidogo, the sea of faces heaved and spat out a running and screaming little skiny gal headed my way. ten meters out the skinny gal brcame my Dicky and i reddied my spine for the high mid air embrace that my gals are notorious for. we hugged, she wept and then inbetween dadii umeniletea nini monologue, she bust open the pujo doors and mercilessly attacked the back seat contents only cimming up for air to acknowledge a can of yourghurt or chicken or chocolate or any of the numerous fast food items that are a must for any parent vissiting a juvinile in school. later, when she calmed down, we took the foods and a scramble board, and found a spot in the field amongest hundreds of parents and pupils to eat and chat. it was also a good time to teach her a few words hence the board. the afternoon sped away fast and in no time, it was time to part ways amid tears and stuff. finally we bid fare thee well and i reluctantly drove slowly towards the gate with an eye on the rear view mirrors to catch a glimpse of the little gal waving in the receeding distant. at the gate, a few parents had cogregated waiting for matatus or attempting to hike a lift to town or wherever. such was my fate and although i had stuff strewn all over the pujo, i obligged three ladies and a gentleman a ride. a few plessantaries aside, we succumbed to school politickin as we drove towards town. just after Mairo inya shooping centre, the pujo lost propulsion and stalled. i parked on the dhoulder, popped the hood and was attempting diagonisis when a matatu pulled up besides us. two of the ladies and the gentleman mumbled some excusses and boarded the matatu. the third lady stuck by me even after i half heartrdly suggested that she continue with the thee sell-outs. she became m spanner boy and soon i had fixed the loose throttle cable. it is when we were washing our hands using bottled water that i actually looked at her. i stared at her for an instant too long and she blushed twice. then i remembered that she was seated a short distance from us in the field in the company of a small boisterous boy. i voiced my observtion and in turn she confirmed that yes, the boy, Kevin, was her was her son. as we drove off to Nyahururu, i gathered that she worked in Nairobi but her Shags was Ha Suera, a few short kms from nyahururu. she also intimated that she would spend overnight at her parents then return to nbi on the morrow. i also had plans to vissit home and commence my journey to msa following day. this i told her. i also offered to drop her at her parents place. after the obvious vissit to the local supermarket shopping for our respwctive homes, i dropped her at her parents gate but not before we exchaged numbers and promissed that whoever got bored listening to the earfulls of local channels gossip via our kins should call the other for a drink in town. the parting words were i call, you buy i drove home. it was around 7.30 pm when my Tecno vibrated into a Mugithi ballard and indicated that Ma kevin was calling. ........................... Mabenda4
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 10:21:47 +0000

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