Dear Alan, Over 18,000 members of our Community have signed - TopicsExpress


Dear Alan, Over 18,000 members of our Community have signed the petition calling on Procter & Gamble, the largest personal care product company in the world, to remove known cancer-causing chemicals from its products. Now, it’s time to take our campaign to get carcinogens out of P&G cosmetics directly to Procter & Gamble’s most cherished brands. Collectively, Procter & Gambles brand names are worth billions of dollars -- P&G spends vast amounts of money annually to convince consumers that they can trust the brightly-colored labels. If P&G executives see that their carefully-cultivated brand images are under attack by consumers demanding safer alternatives, they will be more likely to push for a change to the formula. Although P&G brand Pantene encourages women to donate hair to breast cancer survivors, the formaldehyde-releasing preservatives in its products may contribute to breast cancer. Let’s take over Pantene Beautiful Lengths Facebook page to show P&G’s marketers that we are demanding safer products. When we speak up as a Community, we can be a powerful voice for progress! Take your message directly to P&Gs Pantene Beautiful Lengths page on Facebook. Feel free to use one of our messages, or write something in your own voice. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Pantene should do its part by replacing dangerous chemicals in its products with safer alternatives. When women buy P&G products, they are unknowingly exposing themselves to harmful chemicals and likely carcinogens. Pantene Beautiful Lengths smoothing hair balm contains preservatives that release formaldehyde a likely human carcinogen. Pantene should follow the precautionary principle, and remove known and likely carcinogens from its products. Pantene is promoting Breast Cancer Awareness. It should start with Breast Cancer Prevention by ensuring that its products do not contain chemicals that could put its customers at risk. We are calling on Procter & Gamble to remove formaldehyde-releasing preservatives from its Pantene Beautiful Lengths smoothing hair balm, as well as a host of dangerous chemicals from other P&G products: Let Procter & Gamble brand Pantene know that we want safe products today. Thank you for being part of our story. Emma Cape, on behalf of The Story of Stuff team Resources: Campaign for Safer Cosmetics: Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Tells Procter & Gamble to Make Cosmetics Without Cancer, October 1, 2014
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 08:33:05 +0000

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