Dear All AHRDO friends, colleagues and partner, Based on the - TopicsExpress


Dear All AHRDO friends, colleagues and partner, Based on the petition of victims’ families and wide consultation with state and non state organizations, we initiated on public campaign termed as “Acknowledging the Victims: A practical step towards designating the streets and squares in the memory of the war victims in Afghanistan” in close collaboration with Kabul local victims’ councils from Karti-e Now, Chelsotun and Dashti-e Barchi,. The key aim is to collect signatures and mobilize the support of different cultural, educational & social groups, civil society, media, universities especially the state institutions, victims’ families and the people at large to achieve following objectives: 1. Institutionalize the collective memories of the protracted history of violence, human rights violations, and the protection and preservation of war legacies to preempt the recurrence of war, prevent resumption of violence and break the sustained cycle of conflict in Afghanistan; and 2. Generate space for a national discourse on peace, tolerance and social coexistence, raise public awareness about the complex aspects war and encourage peace-building at grassroots level by engaging the victims and other societal groups that have suffered the most. The campaign teams that comprise AHRDO and Local Victims’ Councils have already conducted the campaign to collect signatures in support of the campaign objectives. The following institutions and individuals supported the public campaign; 1- Afghanistan Independents Human Rights Commission ( AHIRC), 2- Afghanistan National Archive, 3- Students and professors of Universities, 4- Ministry of Information and Culture, 5- Afghan Women Network 6- Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Networks, 7- Afghanistan Civil Society Forum, 8- Transitional Justice Coordination Group (TJCG) 9- Killed Group 10- 1TV, 11- Khurshid TV, 12- Cooperation and Peace Development (CPD) 13- Arman Shahr Foundation, 14- Human Rights & Eradication of Violence Organization (HREVO), 15- Forensic Science organization (FSO), 16- Human Rights Focused Organization (HRFO), 17- Ertabat Organization, 18- Cooperation Centre for Afghanistan (CCA) 19- Women Affairs Council (WAC), 20- Eqtadary Foundation, 21- Medica Afghanistan 22- Weekly Magazine of Badakhshan Voice 23- Equality for peace and Democracy (EPD) We, therefore, call upon you and your organization to support our campaign through sharing your organization logo to be used for the support of our public campaign for the public conclusion. We may consider designing to word of “Justice” in Dari and putting all necessary logos inside or write down the word of justice with logos as support-base for the public campaign. We are very much confident of your support and looking forward welcoming your organization logo. Best Regards Khodadad Bisharat Executive Director AHRDO, Main Office, Kabul, Afghanistan Mob; 00 93 (0) 783 636 707 / 0777 315 029 Email; khbisharat@yahoo / [email protected] Web; Face book; Khudadad Bisharat Skype ID #; besharat1
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 14:04:28 +0000

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