Dear All An encouraging significance of genuineness comes - TopicsExpress


Dear All An encouraging significance of genuineness comes in...... A KIND NEW LIFE-SIZE - SMILE The value of being a Good INDIAN Citizen essential has thoughts, creating ours a account of better living for OUR CHILDREN that has a great impact, the ELECTION 2014 it will be an important stepping stone for their future, if we put as much emphasis on and effort into make known our effort to VOTE the deserving candidate -VOTE FOR NARENDRA MODI Ji AS OUR PRIME MINISTER a politically active and proved through the creating better standards for people in last know-how as GUJARAT Developed STATE Economy, this proof as Road Map to prove its efficient and sufficient in infrastructures and Energy and are transitioning ever-growing into a new phase of life. The leadership who has the RIGHT VISION AND MISSION for country with all PATRIOTISM most importantly works to safeguard democracy leads to civic improvement, winning those that benefit from it, wanting INDIAN population to be logical, VIBRANT AND STRONG. A time to make a difference, This is the GPS (GOD PUT SYSTEM) by which you and me should VOTE to encourage peace and consistency a stand and defend our foundation for the sake of lasting peace...creatively with the reality, let you and me guard honest election should become possible. Enough is enough of these SIXTY PLUS YEAR- Leader born with sliver spoon in mouth ruling INDIA labelled as developing Nation. Let you and I take up the Challenge-NOT JUST VOTING FOR US BUT FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE GENERATION OF OUR CHILDREN TO COME TO SEE - the forever PROGRESS only, ELECTION 2014 that shapes as Dawn of INDIA recognize as DEVELOPED NATION. Forever, No more ours hard earned TAX paid- MONEY slashed as BLACK in other countries bank. Forever, No more corruption Forever, No more –Poverty times Forever, No more insecure time Forever, No more in social scar tissue Forever, No more discrimination against women Forever, No more false promises’ Forever, No more often sudden price rise Forever, No more false promise Forever, No more terror strikes Forever, No more Intoxicants &Violence Forever, No more destruction Forever, No more tempt to bribes Forever, No more bribing Forever, No more match fixing No more ever Forever, No more 49 days rule visitor’s (AKg’s-49 drove-Dhl) LET THE LOTUS BLOSSOM MOST IN MOST ALL 543 constituencies, Spread the SMILE... VOTE FOR NARENDRA MODI Ji AS OUR PRIME MINISTER NARENDRA MODI Ji THE VALUES YOU CHAMPION, RESPECT, TOLERANCE, PEACE, CARING FOR ONE AND ALL IN THE EARTH, GENEROSITY, SERVICE, SHARING, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL WELL-BEING ARE INCLUDING NON-VIOLENCE, COMPASSION AND THE PROMOTION OF RELIGIOUS NATIONAL HARMONY- EQUALITY & DIVERSITY. THIS BLESSEDNESS OF ALL IN LIFE BRINGS JOY SUSTAINABLE BENEFITS A DEEPER HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT TO INDIVIDUAL & POPULATION. A vote appeals because everyone conscious Vote Counts - as Future for Our Children and its Generation. Narendra Modi ji the 63-year-old had begun life as ordinary lower middle-class he has gone through sufferings and well versed to the known sufferings we have.... Narendra Modi ji as the boy in Gujarat who sold tea on trains would have come a very long way to be the Gujarat Chief Minister is known for his severe lifestyle and enthusiasm, a man with a phenomenal memory, great attention to detail, unflagging energy and a flair for public relations. Narendra Modi was born to lower middle-class parents in northern Gujarat on September 17, 1950. He holds a Masters degree in political science. Vote MODI ji as PM of INDIA GPS (GOD PUT SYSTEM) I PRAY GOD That He will provide us wisdom to choose the stable and GOD anointed Candidature Who will With Wisdom and his Grace take us and our generation and our Children generation to a Better rule in INDIA Vote MODI ji as PM of INDIA Enough is enough of the Sixty plus Years of Rule of one Party which Lead us only as developing Country..... Its your One Vote that really can MAKE -INDIA as DEVELOPED NATION. ELECTION 2014... It is the last chance to create the HISTORY and you will be BLESSED to be part of the decision making to Make Our Children live peacefully with Dignity. Vote MODI ji as PM of INDIA wakeupindian4s@gmail volunteer@india272 With Kind Regards Maltan Relationship through Divine mandatory to go on beyond space and time, full of Life-Vibrant no matter what… “Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will.” ~W. Clement Stone Dear Lord, please show me where I need to take action in my life and give me the courage and strength to move forward, In Christ Jesus Name. Amen. EVERY TINY FRACTION OF A SECOND IN TIME IS A TEACHER; BEING IN LOVE WITH ALL,THROUGH MORAL ACTION IN THE ENTRUSTED UNIVERSE NO ONE FEEL ALONE, EVERY MOVEMENT IS AS A TOOL OF EXPRESSION RESULTS AS EXPERIENCES TO LEARN TO LIVE LIFE . ~~ Maltan Gnana Kumar W.M
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 15:56:39 +0000

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