Dear All, As I am sure you are all aware now, auditions for - TopicsExpress


Dear All, As I am sure you are all aware now, auditions for “Jack and the Beanstalk on a Midsummer’s Night in Witchford” are nearly upon us. Auditions are a very loose description for the opportunity to come and register your interest. For some it will just mean coming along and registering your wish to be involved, we will not be turning anyone away, young or old; there will be a way to get involved on or off stage for everyone. For others you may wish to do some singing, dancing or acting in groups to try out for one or more roles. There may be some of you who wish to audition for a specific role, or sing a solo choice of your own? Everything is possible. We have small roles, large roles, singing roles, chorus roles and children’s roles. Our aim is to have some fun over the coming months and put on a great show involving as many people as possible. It would be fantastic if you and/or your family came along and joined in. Equally if you want a back stage role, then please still come along, it would be great to meet you and we need lots of help making sets, consumes, scenery and props as well as running the show in the later rehearsals and performance dates. I hope to see you there, I have received many questions over recent weeks so I have complied a list of frequently asked questions below. Lee Lee.coney@gmail FAQs 1) Where are the auditions? 1a) St Andrews Hall Witchford, right opposite the church. 2) When are the auditions 2a) Youth performers (up to 13 years old) - Saturday 13th September 2014 – 1.00pm - 2.30pm and Sunday 14th September 2014 – 1.00pm - 2.30pm Over 13s and others auditioning for main roles (any age) - Saturday 14th September - 2.30pm – 4.00pm, Sunday 14th September 2014 – 2.30pm – 4.00pm and Monday 15th September 2014 – 7.00pm – 9.00pm 3) I feel a bit nervous walking into a room full of strangers, will I be made welcome? 3a) I really hope so. I first saw a Witchford pantomime about six or seven years ago, my daughter was in it and I was really impressed with the production values and huge amount of talented people of all ages taking part. I was a keen performer in my youth, but I did not take part in a Witchford pant for five more years as I was a bit nervous about attending an audition where I did not know anyone, after several failed attempts I bit the bullet and walked in. I was made to feel very welcome. It is a bit weird though as the auditions were quite quick and involved reading stuff I had not seen before, but everyone was having a laugh so I quickly got into it and had a great time. I even got a part! 4) I am dyslexic and although I love performing, I am not great at reading new stuff for the first time; can I see the script beforehand please? 4a) You are certainly not alone, I am happy to e.mail you the selection of scenes we will be using for audition if you let me know by e.mail lee.coney@gmail However don’t worry too much, I know that for most people reading something new for the first time can be a challenge, I will explain the scene and what I am looking for, word perfect reading is certainly not what it is all about. . 5) Do I have to be over 13 years old to audition for a main role? 5a) No anyone, any age can audition for a main role, there are some that will suit younger performers and I have seen some fantastic examples of people who could carry a main role very well. I am sure I will meet more during the auditions. 6) Could I see a cast list please to see if any roles interest me please? 6a) There is a list attached with some description of each character alongside the role to the post on the WADS Facebook group.. 7) Could I get a list of songs please? 7a) Not yet, although the director has picked songs that he would like, these are provisional at this stage and subject to possible change. 8) I am not a very good singer, is there a lot of singing involved? 8a) Everyone will be singing, however not all roles call for solo vocalists, some of this is explained in the attached cast list. We are looking to cast some specific singers though so if you are interested in those roles, please feel free to perform a singing audition by bringing along a backing track on CD, memory stick or sheet music. 9) I have a physical disability that means, dancing and running around on stage will be a challenge, but I would still like to audition, can I? 9a) Absolutely! There are some roles that require a bit of dancing or physical acting, but equally there are roles that can be performed by all comers. Everyone is very welcome and we will do whatever we can to make it as easy to take part as possible. 10) I am away and cannot make any of these dates. 10a) Please let me know, including the roles (if any) that interest you. Our first read through is on 27th September so we do have some time to finalise the cast and I will make every attempt to see you to ensure your participation is possible. 11) When are rehearsals? 11a) Tuesday evenings for main cast, Thursday evenings for singing and Saturdays for choreography. From November the younger cast members who do not have main roles will join us. Eventually in December and January we will have some Sunday rehearsals too. 12) Can I leave my child at auditions and pick them up later on. 12a) No, we will have a childcare rota for rehearsals, but not for the auditions so if your child is under 13 then a parent or guardian must remain during the auditions.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:16:08 +0000

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