Dear All, For those of us privileged to live here in our - TopicsExpress


Dear All, For those of us privileged to live here in our beloved land of Israel, you know the score. You know that the war we are enduring is called צוק איתן. You know the panic that strikes when you are in the middle of driving from one place to another and you notice cars pulled up on the side of the road and see parents crouched on top of their children next to anything fairly resembling a protective structure. People hiding, but at the same time looking up towards the beautiful clear blue summer skies, waiting for a rocket to blow up, or worse, explode nearby. You wait the ten minutes till you hear the boom. You get back in the car and go on your merry way. You know that Israelis all over the country are partaking in the funerals and shivas for brave soldiers they never even knew, but had the privilege to fight and die to keep us safe. They dont come to see, they come to cry with the mourners and to comfort them amoungst true אבלי ציון. You know that when you see a trolley being loaded up in the supermarket with 30 bottles of shampoo and soap and deodorant, that this is not a going home present for a kids birthday party..Its for OUR chayalim!! You know that when you are sitting on the beach and the beach bum says to you.. If you hear the alarm...the shelter is over there...go quickly, you dont worry about your 50 shekel piece of watermelon getting warm. You know that when you are sitting and waiting in the dentists reception and someone starts to talk about how we should deal with the situation, that unfortunately, this isnt the first time youve heard this, but pray that it will be the last time. So please, all of us, where ever you may be this Shabbat, please pray not only for Israel, but for Jews all over the world. May ה protect us all for the evil beast that has reared its ugly head up, yet again, and bring true peace, not only to עם ישראל, but to all the nations of the world. Please feel free to forward or post this to your friends. The picture below, is one of the hundreds of women around the country shopping for our chayalim in the supermarket.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 06:53:23 +0000

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