Dear All Research Scholars Many of the representatives and - TopicsExpress


Dear All Research Scholars Many of the representatives and fellows from Delhi/ NCR region met and discussed the next steps towards our immediate course of action. We have zeroed in on following points, as top most priority. We need your support, suggestions and any other points which need to be included to be taken up to the authorities. At the same time, everyone must put in their efforts individually and involve themselves in whichever way possible. Its a Pan-India movement and everyone must contribute. Points discussed and need to be raised: (Priority wise) 1. Office Memorandum must come IMMEDIATELY stating effective date of implementation from October 1st, 2014 from rest of the funding agencies like MHRD, CSIR, UGC, DRDO and any other who provide JRF/SRF/RA fellowships. We will NOT COMPROMISE ON THIS DEMAND in whatsoever condition. 2. Hike in fellowship should be for ALL. All the students who are obtaining fellowship irrespective of which agency and whichever project, Hike must be for all the research students and RAs. There must be uniformity in fellowship whether they are funded by state govt. fellowship programs or central agency funded programs. 3. Implementation of hike in fellowship should be for the entire project staff “De-facto” instead of every scholar and respective PI requesting for enhanced budget to provide fellowship. It is duty of concerned govt. agencies to provide and allocate the budget for all of their funded projects. 4. There must be clarification from the funding agencies about hike in fellowship of “Non-NET” and “Non-GATE” scholars immediately. 5. Hike in fellowship must be announced in different flagship funding programs like DS Kothari fellowship, Young Investigator Programme, Women Fellowship programme and all other special schemes and programs floated by the government. 6. We are satisfied (for now) with JRF stipend amount but not with SRF and RA stipend amount. There must be slab implementation of JRF to SRF (1.3 fold of JRF) and SRF to RA (1.3 fold of SRF amount). We had requested for the same but nothing has come out in this regard. 7. Annual revision of fellowship on the basis of inflation factor and 1/10th of pay commission factor. 8. There must be Regular disbursal of fellowships, as students must not suffer infinitely. Regards Research Scholars of Researchers India
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 12:19:04 +0000

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