Dear All, This message should be to only duly registered - TopicsExpress


Dear All, This message should be to only duly registered students. However, in order to have all our students on board, this message is being sent to all. However, in order to have all our students on board, this message is being sent to all. As promised, this message is to give pertinent information at the moment and to give you hope. Evidently, it has not been easy driving change with continued service provision with existing students. However, we continue to forge ahead on both fronts. We will plead for more understanding and cooperation in many ways. On our part, we are doing everything humanly possible to attenuate all known problems for more predictability and for enhanced integrity. We will therefore plead for more substantive compliance with our processes. There cannot be a short cut to what we are doing except we want to be ‘penny wise, pound foolish’. This plea is important because lack of compliance has serious consequences. For example, some of the problems we are grappling with resulted from our inability (DLC Management/operatives and students) to do the right things. A good example is the problems pertaining to results of examinations that were concluded long ago. We address and give information on pertinent issues of the moment especially on procedure so as to avoid the pitfalls of the past. While students in the Faculty of Agriculture are going to be addressed separately, virtually all the information in this message applies to them. So, they should also take note. The three most critical issues relate to NATURE OF ODL, RESULTS, GRADUATION OF FINAL YEAR STUDENTS AND REGISTRATION. NATURE OF ODL It is important to state our overarching goal which guides our strategy. We are moving away from excessive face-to-face interaction to Open and Distance Learning that will enable our students to benefit wherever they are without being overburdened with physical interaction in our processes from application to graduation. We are now at the stage of Blended Learning and we continue to make progress. We have said several times that we are not running either a Part Time or Sandwich programme. Please note that, ODL according to the Guidelines for Open and Distance Learning in Nigerian Universities (1999) means that “students should not be require to attend classes or have face-to-to face contact, unless there are compelling reasons to justify it …like “as Examinations, periodic facilitation and practicum.” This is our goal. RESULTS For quite some time, we have been addressing the fall-outs from examinations which were in various forms. This and the causes which include registration related problems and lack of diligent administration of Continuous Assessment have been addressed to a very large extent. Outstanding cases will be resolved in the next few days. The good news is that we had largely resolved the causes and the problems will no longer rear their heads next time. However, two things are paramount. One is that, we should ensure accurate registration and an effective ADD and DELETE system. The second is the diligent administration of CAs. These are addressed below. GRADUATION OF FINAL YEAR STUDENTS While it is true that we concluded our examinations early enough to allow sufficient time for registration, there were serious delays in publishing the results of final year students with consequences of registration. Most of the problems were due to lack of proper registration in the past and the known reasons for delay in release of results among others. However, it is gratifying that, with the exception of a few Departments, most of our students are being presented for graduation including three students that have made FIRST CLASS. Affected students are being contacted while others will be contacted for clearance in the next few days. REGISTRATION This is the big issue. It remains the most serious problem and also the issue to be seriously addressed in overcoming problems relating to results. IN VIEW OF ITS SIGNIFICANCE, WE HAD SENT TEXT MESSAGE ON THE DEADLINE EARLIER ADVISING STUDENT TO REGISTER BY 12 MID-NIGHT ON NOVEMBER 7, 2014. This is real and NOT NEGOTIABLE. Any student (except some final year students who could not graduate because they couldn’t meet graduation criteria) who fail to register by this date will be left behind. It will be futile for such students to come for the second/final face to face Interactive session and there is no way they can proceed to do Continuous Assessment or write examinations. REGISTRATION FOR 100 LEVEL COURSES As you are aware, we will not be having 100 level courses in most Departments, however, students who need to offer 100 level courses including GES will be given to register with newly admitted students. So, such students should not worry about the implication for not having 100 level courses in their Departments. ADD AND DELETE Relating to registration is the issue of ADD and DELETE. All duly registered students will be able to ADD and DELETE between 8-15 November ONLY and this will be online. With this, all registration will end by 15 November, 2014. CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENTS At the beginning of the Introductory Interactive session, all stakeholders were advised that the period was not supposed to be used for administering continuous assessments or tests of any form. By design, it was only to expose students to the various courses to prepare them for more effective self-study/learning. Given the fact that there were some breaches, the DLC Management relying on approved template and the authority of its Board of Examiners hereby cancels all CA related assignments and tests during the Introductory Interactive sessions. We have to do this in the interest of all students. Only students who attended such Interactive Sessions were involved. What happens to other students who did not attend and would not be aware of any assignment? In order to avoid the mistake of the past and to give all students equal opportunity to attempt CAs, the mechanism for conducting CAs are stated below: For 200 and 300 level course: CAs will be by CBT and will be done along with the second Interactive Session starting in November. For 400 and 500 courses: It will be a mixture of CBT and essays. Details will be communicated shortly. Please note that, only duly registered students will be communicated with details and they will be the only ones that will be eligible to attempt CAs. With the above, we would have solved one important problem that put some of our students at a disadvantage. The problem of incomplete students would have been prevented. OTHER ISSUES It is important to inform you on some other issues. Some of these are: Course Materials: It is important to let you know that we now have in many lower level courses ODL compliant course materials that are student friendly and sufficiently interactive. Students who have been using these will realize the difference. This is on-going and we are making significant progress in respect of all levels. We have also increased the stock of available course materials. This is also on-going. GES Course materials: We now have new course materials for our GES courses. These material that were launched by the Executive Secretary of the NUC last week resulted from a collaborative efforts of the Centre with other DL Centres, the NUC, the British Council and Open University in the UK. These will be uploaded very soon. Printed Course materials: We are committed to making our course material available in prints for students who want them. However, we could not have done this without course materials in ODL format. Now that we have made progress in producing some ODL compliant course materials, we are initiating the printing of the newly developed and current course materials. Tablet and Mobile Applications: These have been delayed for similar reasons and in the production of printed course materials. But, we have made significant progress on this and we are starting with the newly admitted students in the six Departments we had advertised. However, Mobile application will be available to all in due course. Unauthorized Course materials: While students can read any relevant material that will assist them, we need to advise that they should be careful not to buy into old and disused course materials under any guise. Course materials are easily downloadable on the portals. Desist from buying unauthorized materials under any guise. We had also warned against sale of hand-outs. Plagiarism: Most of our students are not aware of policies guiding use of academic resources. This is why some of our students submitted similar essays for CAs, copied other peoples work without acknowledgement. Please note that there are laws (Copyright and Intellectual Property rights/law) protecting use of other people’s works. You will be infringing the law if you copied other peoples work without acknowledging them or you copied beyond certain limit. Our policy on this will be communicated to you and it is being incorporated in the new Handbook. So, do not copy other people’s work without necessary attributions. It is a serious academic crime. Interswitch as additional payment platform: Part of the problems regarding registration has to do with our fees collection platform. We tried to bring more Banks to ease the problems of payment to no avail. To further address this, we now have Interswitch as a payment option. While not advertising for the organization, it is important to draw attention to that option which is less stressful. Availability of real time online academic support: It is important to reiterate the availability of real time online Interactive session. All registered students have been contacted on this. It was to give you continuous academic support in addition to the face-to face Interactive sessions. However, only duly registered students can benefit in courses they have registered for. You are advised to take advantage of this additional support which has been on even before the Interactive Session. Note that, there are other forms of academic support that engages you continuously up to the point of writing examinations. You are better off if you avail yourself this opportunity. E-Library: Despite the fact that the E-Library of the Centre is open to all and is very useful especially in Project Writing and for additional educational resource, only few students have taken advantage of this facility. You are once again advised to tap into this valuable resource. The URL for the e-library is ID Card: Over 75 percent of current ID cards have been printed and are being collected in Ibadan and Lagos. The ID has corrected the complaints in the previous one(s). Please collect yours as it is a valid form of identification for our processes. You may be required to produce it especially to write examinations. The list of students whose ID Cards are ready can be view on the website Role of Class Governors: While it is true that any form of physical coordination of students on DL mode is abnormal, we on our part encourage it as it in a way facilitates our processes. We wish to appreciate all student representatives for their roles in providing the nexus with the students on DL mode. However, in recent time, the role of some Course Governors is worrisome. Some of them are finding it to adapt to change and have been involved in roles that are injurious to effective DL provision. In fact, some of them have been working against their fellow students. On our part, we will continue to assist and encourage them to act properly. Teaching Practice/Practicum: Teaching Practice and Practicum for students in the Faculty of Education was delayed because of precautionary measures when EBOLA virus broke up. Since schools were not in session, there was nothing we can do. Now the affected student who has been contacted will start their practicum and Teaching Practice on November 3 and for 6 weeks. The Interactive Sessions for Ibadan and Lagos are holding this Thursday and Saturday respectively. Once again, only duly registered DLC students who also registered online for this will be able to take part and supervised. So, affected students should endeavour to register. Computer Proficiency Certificate: By design, no student should graduate without having passed the Centre’s Computer Proficiency Certificate examination. All students are hereby notified that, the Centre will apply this regulation and there will be no waiver. The examination holds in Lagos and Ibadan and students can take the examination at their convenience. Usually the time table is advertised for you to indicate a convenient time. It is important that the Manual for the examination is available online. So also the necessary information for registering for the test. Though we provide training at our Lagos and Ibadan offices, students are free to train anywhere. Handling of Complaints: In view of many unattended or unresolved complaints, the Centre instituted a new complaint procedure a month ago. We embarked on ‘Operation 48 Hours’ with the commitment that many complaints will be resolved within 48 hours. With the few cases where complaints are not issues that were internal, all complaints are being resolved within the stipulated time. Second/Final Interactive Session: A firm announcement will be made on this immediately after the end of ADD and DELETE. But the second and Final IS will start in November. It is also during this period that CBT based CAs will be completed. CAs for other levels will also be announced to all duly registered students at this time. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY DULY REGISTERED STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE PART. Examinations: This is an issue of interest to all. From the situation on ground it is not feasible to start and conclude examinations in December as planned but we will ensure that examinations commence a week after the second IS. However, we all have a collective responsibility to make this work. The most important condition is for all who are not deferring or suspending their studies to register before November 7, 2014. The schedule for the second IS will be published after that date and later the Examination Time Table. Complaints Procedure: There is the need to emphasize that students do not have to come physically to our offices except it is absolutely necessary. Even when they do, they will not be allowed entry. Given the new procedure, students who visit the main office will only be allowed to fill an appropriate form and leave except for Transcripts or Clearance. Why not avail yourself the opportunity of online complaint. Students are also to note that, ALL COMPLAINTS MUST GO TO [email protected] to be attended to. CONCLUSION We appreciate and apologize to our students especially those who registered on time. Of course, we cannot blame many others who failed to because there were issues relating to results and they could not have registered in their circumstance. Now is the time to assist us to move ahead. NOVEMBER 7 IS THE FINAL DEADLINE TO REGISTER. IT IS NOT NEGOTIABLE PLEASE. WE DO NOT WANT ANY OF OUR STUDENTS TO BE LEFT BEHIND BUT WE CAN NOT WAIT ANY LONGER AFTER OVER SIX MONTHS OF INITIAL DEADLINE. REGISTRATION IS KEY TO OUR PROCESSES AND IT IS THE SOLUTION TO MOST OF THE PROBLEM BEING ENCOUNTERED ESPECIALLY THOSE RELATING TO RESULTS. WE WISH YOU WELL. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 11:08:50 +0000

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