Dear Almighty God, Please look after my familys dog, Vanille. - TopicsExpress


Dear Almighty God, Please look after my familys dog, Vanille. She is rightfully by Your side in heaven now. My family would like to thank you for lending us your beautiful creation for the good part of a year and a half. You created man in Your image and then created woman to complement him. You then created animals to serve them. Perhaps the most time was spent on one animal, the dog. Which is why all dogs go to heaven. You created Vanille and now that You have taken her to heaven, there are a few things You should know about her. She loves apples. At times we contemplated changing her name to Apple. She would respond to just the mere word apple more than her name. Whenever she heard a knife slicing through an apple, she would scamper as though her life depended on it and plonk herself next to the person who was holding her favourite fruit in his or her hand. Then, she would turn on the charm and peer innocently into the persons eyes. No one could resist this look and she would get her due reward. She is incredibly obedient. When food was placed right in front of her, she would wait for someone to give her the instruction to consume it or else she would wait patiently. Even though she may be hungry at times, she would never snatch. She knew it was rude to do so and perhaps on a certain level she knew that this was not the behaviour of something beautifully sculpted by God. She is incredibly intelligent and teachable. She has a wide array of tricks which my brother and mother taught her. Her capacity to learn is incredible for a dog this young. Of course every trick would come with a treat! At times she would give us the I am bored entertaining you guys with this look but then she often persisted with our antics as she knew that she was bringing us joy. Most beautifully of all, she is always welcoming to everyone and ready to brighten up everyones day. She would follow my mother everywhere she went every morning. She would always get excited whenever someone came home. She is always happy to see the family. Even my wife who initially was uncomfortable with animals eventually got comfortable with her company. This in itself to me is a miracle. God, You most probably know everything which i have just mentioned. You were the one who created Vanille and You were there when all of the above took place. Now she will be with You and You will get all the fun and joy. We are extremely sad that her time on earth is this short but we hope that if we do enter the gates of heaven, You will get Vanille to wait for us in front of the gate next to Saint Peter. Her fur is exceptionally white and beautiful like your angels and thus she fits the bill to welcome people into heaven. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 14:38:43 +0000

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