Dear America, If Your Variant of The Maserati Lands You on The - TopicsExpress


Dear America, If Your Variant of The Maserati Lands You on The Rooftop Twice.... smileyandwest.ning/forum/topics/dear-america-if-your-variant-of-the-maserati-lands-you-on-the Dear America, You know that I seldom write you this type of letter because you have accumulated immense wealth of wisdom over the last 200 years of your nationhoodie (sorry nationhood). However, recent events have necessitated my breaking that habit. Through being around the block long enough, I am reminded that if your coveted Maserati lands you on the rooftop twice and you are lucky enough to live to tell the story, you better get the message. If you are as smart as I believe you are, you will start doing something right away about your killer-auto before it does the inevitable to you. Who needs terrorists or jihadists when your Maserati (rekindled institutionalized racism of the 2000s) can do the job better and cheaper! America, in these Zimmermined days of the absurd, many of my colleagues and I note some zealots’ heightened political correctness flying around about your Maserati. They claim off-handedly that, as Americans, they love our judicial system because “it works” or “it is the best in the world” and so on and so forth. Please advise (not advice) some of your ‘celebrated intellectuals’ that the usage is not “and so forth and so on!” As for the zealots, what they mean is that the system works when it favors them and their entrenched interests. It does not when the outcome differs. True Americans assess judicial performance on its merit. They do not cherry-pick critiques for political expediency. Candidly, they say that the system works when it does and “sucks” when it does not, regardless of whose ox is gored. This is because from time immemorial, there have always been Americans who defied color lines even in the early days of historical slavery. Those types of Americans are still here today. Number your humble patriot among them. They continue to stand up for everything good about America, but not the charade that has surfaced again in Florida (specifically Sanford). You would recall that, in 2000, of all your states, the same Florida it was that pushed the ‘hanging chad’ fraud, embarrassing you and the rest of US as citizens in the eyes of the world. Of course, you recall how well your unique Maserati cleaned up the mess! If you have forgotten, ask Al Gore. He will oblige. Human systems are not perfect because human beings are not perfect, but some are more perfect than others. If you need an example, take a look at Pope Francis and his 2013 Papacy. What some diehards are unable to win fair and square through the ballot box, they desperately seek to secure by all foul means imaginable. Those who must be reminded can recall the IRS noise, the Benghazi fender-bender, Obamacare, and the NSA leak that some are forced to condemn despite their secret political preference. If laying this Zimmer mine was another incendiary device to drive a wedge between two key minority groups for political expediency, the architects have failed woefully again. Here is why; a rising number of your citizens, especially the young and the young-at-heart, are fast waking up to the stark realization that institutionalized racism is a dying fad. Like a moving train, the trend cannot be stopped by one man or two mounting protests by standing pat on the rails. Stay well but alert, America; a rekindled institutionalized racism of the 2000s (the killer Maserati) is bound to fail.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 19:04:19 +0000

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