Dear America, Why is it fair to have different sets of rules - TopicsExpress


Dear America, Why is it fair to have different sets of rules for different people. Why is it ok for us to remember Christopher Columbus and celebrate his day? had it not been for him the Natives just might steal have their land and the Africans may have never been enslaved. Why is it important to celebrate Independence Day while there were still people who were not independent at that time? Why is it ok to talk about the American Revolution and for my child to learn about it, when in fact the American Revolution had nothing to do with the enslaved Africans in this country. Why is it ok for us to celebrate George Washingtons B-Day when in fact George Washington also had slaves of his own. Why do we still cling to the U.S. Constitution knowing that when it was written it was not meant to include all people within this country? Why do they teach that this country was founded on Christianity when its principles were also based off Islam and Judaism? Why did the slave master feel it was important to teach the African slaves their religion of Christianity and strip them of their African names and culture? Why do you always teach our Children about the Civil War and that it was fought to free the slave, but not the whole truth that it was also to kill the economic power the south held due to the enslavement of black. Why do you teach our children that Abraham Lincoln was sympathetic to the slaves, but when you do the actual research and read his writing about slaves, he didnt want to free them but he knew it was necessary in order to stop the south from succeeding. Why did the emancipation proclamation only free slaves in states that were abolitionist states already and not all states? Why dont they teach the harsh realities of slaver? Why is it important to remember WW1 and WW2? Why is it important to remember the Holocaust? Why is it ok to remember Vietnam? Why it ok to remember Korea? Why is it ok to remember 9-11? Why do they constantly put out movies about the titanic? Why does black history only get remembered once a year? Why is it ok for Native American to talk about their history and receive government stipends and land grand? Why is it ok for Jews to remember the Holocaust and never forget, and also receive reparations from the Germans? Why did the government issue reparations to the Japanese American families that were placed in camps during WW2? Why is it ok to tell AA not to talk about Slavery or Civil Right? Why is it ok to tell African American to forget the past and quit living in it, while everyone shoves their past and their history in our faces all day long? Why is ok to ignore the wrongs that have been sanctioned on the African American Community? Why is it ok to tell us we invoke racism and hate and we keep it going, but yet White American still continues to worship in separation? Would I be wrong to raise my child to believe all American History is crap and that the past has no effect on the future? No I wouldnt be wrong, I would be foolish. Why cant America understand that?
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 22:29:49 +0000

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