Dear Americans Who Are Against Amnesty/Legalization for Illegal - TopicsExpress


Dear Americans Who Are Against Amnesty/Legalization for Illegal Immigrant: Let me start with the poem on the Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of you teaming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Why do people dislike illegal immigrants? The issues raging with the border in Cali and Az...I keep hearing about how we need to take care of ourselves as a nation first and foremost. Look at the atrocity and downtrodden areas in our own country, and fix them, I hear people say. We cant take in even more people especially those who come from such a country as Mexico given their background and lack of democratic practice (thats a racist thought by the way, Edward Abbey and those who agree). Okay so given the horror these immigrants go through to make it over the border, some with children, needless to say not all can be decent hard working people, but the turmoil they are fleeing from, that they are willing to risk their lives for their children and themselves, consider what that means. They need help, on a fundamental human level these people need help and they are risking their lives in a way most of us wont ever have to, want to, or need to. Fixing Detroit in order to make room for discussing legalizing immigrants has little to do with human understanding and empathy. Now if we want to talk politics and economic policy, lets. But thats not what is happening. Not clearly. Not well. This is becoming a liberal against conservative argument, all fluff and empty ego. I am disturbed to my bones by any human being whatsoever who tells me we need to fix our nation and those people should go fix theirs. Never mind the nationalistic undertone, which mostly I find outdated and incredibly reactionary. What I mean is, you guys bum me out. If we can talk paperwork, as in how doe we process and make room for a mass exodus of people, LETS. Because that is where the struggle is, not that we must first fix Detroit and Baltimore or whatever undone city people name. We need to think about how we do not know all the facts as citizens, and as busy people, we need to think beyond partisan politics (that soundbite), widen our scope and consider what kind of country do we want to be? What kind of citizens do we want? Maybe the kind who do what it takes to make a better future, like risk their lives for others? Arent these the kind of people we should be honoring? Empathizing with? Helping? I realize this drips with sentimentalism. But I have yet to hear a rational argument against immigrants that isnt obviously the result of a person reaction based purely on the party they identify with (because I am measure the standard right? *rolls eyes at self*). So emotion is involved. I own that. Do you? The muddiness of emotion and reason, mixed with political jargon most dont truly understand, is what we need to work through. We need to educate ourselves more, and talk more. Like, right this minute. Heres the deal, I happen to believe that in order for me and my own to be free and to maintain the legitimacy of the free argument, all need to be given the chance. Children are needlessly suffering and dying you guys. Stop the cold politic fear argument. Lets actually talk about what we can do. Please. We have to use the privilege we have or risk forfeiting the legitimacy of our own lives. Alicia RantsAlot Nader
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 15:59:52 +0000

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