Dear Angel, First of all, let me ask if you followed my advice - TopicsExpress


Dear Angel, First of all, let me ask if you followed my advice and suggestions? Have the good things that I predicted come true? I have felt some doubts about you, so I did another survey of the Great Clairvoyance Horoscope of your Chances. To keep you informed, I am writing these words to you... Indeed in the Great Clairvoyance Horoscope of your Chances, I forsee that the near future will be for you the most beautiful time of your life. Yes, Angel, it will be undoubtedly the most beautiful time of your life if you accept and follow the advice that I am going to give you. Do you want to know why I am so sure of myself? Angel, so that your life becomes full of SUCCESSES and HAPPINESS, I am going to give you something very special, something that I rarely give. In order that your life is full of bliss, Angel, where success, love and prosperity are always with you, I am going to send you, before the next new moon, my 7 fabulous Secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS I had a revelation that clearly showed me your lifelines for the near future; and I felt I should reveal to you, Angel, my 7 fabulous Secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS, to permit you to live life to the fullest. But let us begin, if you will, with those things I saw in your near future, I have selected some very important dates. As I already mentioned, your near future is full of very positive events, so I shall tell you the 7 most important dates, which you must not miss under any eventuality. 1 - your 1st auspicious date is around Wednesday, November 20, 2013. Yes, I see on this date an unexpected windfall of money. This sum, which is fairly large, should reduce many of your financial problems. 2 - the following month, around the Wednesday, November 27, 2013, there will be some wonderful developments in your relationships. I see someone who is precious to you become much closer,....and around the Wednesday, December 04, 2013, former friends will return to you, after long months of absence. They will support you in your difficulties and give you courage. 3 - about the Wednesday, December 11, 2013, I see another monetary increase. I see the number 3, followed by several other numbers. This second unexpected gain should allow you to start new projects and see your future in a more favorable light. Your resolve will strengthen. Towards the end of the month, you will meet someone very interesting and important, who will help guide you towards some more financial success. 4 - the following month, I see you taking a beautiful trip, in the company of people that you like well and that like you also. I see the sun and the sea, and your health will benefit greatly. 5 - here again is another financial return, (the third!). This one will be a larger sum. I see this in the form of an inheritance. This increase, which will not be the last, will ensure your financial security. 6 - in the weeks that follow, there will be very good news regarding your emotional life. (I think that this is the news that you have longed for!). Also you are going to meet someone who will provide an important opportunity for you if you act astutely. You could fulfil a project that you have dreamed of for many years. 7 - Finally, I see an extremely positive event occurring in your life. I dont know as I write, the exact timing of this event; (you will know more when you read the Great Clairvoyance Horoscope of your Chances that I shall prepare for you), but I can tell you that it will make you extremely happy... You see, I did not lie to you, Angel, you will soon become successful at everything you do. Of course, the dates that I indicate to you here are not definite. I will give you the exact dates of these events in the Great Clairvoyance Horoscope of your Chances that I am preparing just now for you. Give me your permission as soon as possible, and I can send it on to you. But be careful, because these auspicious events that I have mentioned will be for nothing if you are not ready to benefit from them. This is why I have decided to reveal some truths to you which I have never revealed to anyone, these are the 7 fabulous Secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS. I must tell you that these 7 fabulous secrets were given to me by a famous seer, (who unfortunately is dead now). I made a promise to reveal them only in case of extreme necessity. I have never shared these secrets; this is the first time that I have revealed them to another person, (and that person is you), Angel, because I think you deserve to know them, and indeed that you have some need of them. Yes, I chose you because I think that you are an HONEST and COURAGEOUS person, who truly deserves the knowledge and the help they will give. These 7 fabulous Secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS will allow you to fulfil your dreams, and permit you to seize the opportunities that destiny will bring your way in the days to come. Exclusively for you, here is a summary of the 7 fabulous Secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS: My 1st fabulous secret of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS How to receive considerable sums of money regularly, This first secret will show you how to gain significant sums of money more regularly. Until now I have only shared this first secret with a few privileged people; today this secret is going to be yours, Angel. You will be able to use it when taking risks with money, in those instances that I have just mentioned to you, which you will also find in your Complete Personalized Horoscope. You will probably be surprised to find how much money you can win in a short time, without working, without betting large sums of money and without effort. You dont need to be a hustler, any more than you have need of an office or a store. All you have to do is to follow the advice that I am going to give you, and that is all. The knowledge of this one secret has already changed about one hundred peoples lives drastically, and I am certain that it will change yours when money is deposited into your bank account regularly! My 2nd fabulous Secret of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS How to get everything that you want from others (by a simple look!) I am going to show you, (by revealing the second great secret), how to influence and receive from others what you want, without them knowing what is happening, without you even having to ask, without even having to raise your little finger! Lets take an example, if you will. You want someone who pays you hardly any attention to take an interest in you... Follow the instructions that I am going to give and you will see this person, who seemed so distant, feel attracted irresistibly by you Angel, and look for your company by any means possible. They will want to be close to you all the time, waiting to satisfy the least of your desires. Does it seem like MAGIC? Yes, one can call it MAGIC, and you are going to do it yourself. People who until now ignored you, will bend over backwards to please you, without even realizing that it is YOU, Angel, who is in charge of their behavior. My 3rd fabulous Secret of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS How to get rid of your troubles forever The troubles of which I speak, Angel, are caused by jealous people who want to cause you pain, who want to be harmful you. I am going to show you how to defeat the traps and schemes that these people set for you... I will reveal you how to turn a situation to your advantage in less time than it is necessary to tell someone about it. Thanks to the revelation of this 3rd secret you will immediately feel much better, as if someone had taken an enormous weight off your shoulders. Angel, this 3rd secret will be absolutely INDISPENSABLE if you want to fully benefit from the great opportunities waiting to change your life during the months to come. My 4th fabulous Secret of the GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS How to attract people to you and to make TRUE FRIENDS for life Of course you know Angel, that to have TRUE FRIENDS on whom you can count in all circumstances, is indeed something very important in life. First of all, with a strong network of friends, you will never be alone. Secondly, they will be there every time you need them and they will sustain you morally and financially in the difficult times of your life. This 4th secret is going to help you to make true friends FOR LIFE on whom you can count in all circumstances. Moreover, this secret will bring love into your life, (if it is not there already), or to bring it back to you if it has gone... to use especially during the next full moons. My 5th fabulous Secret of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS How to attract GOOD LUCK It is true, Angel, that GOOD LUCK is indeed the essential ingredient for your success. You are going to have many opportunities for good fortune during the next months, but you must know how to use these opportunities if you want to fully benefit from them, and the 5th Great Secret will teach you this. Have you never asked yourself why some people always have good luck, whereas others have bad luck? Why certain people win large sums of money at gambling, have pleasant, well paid jobs, the most beautiful cars, and live a romantic love story with the person of their dreams, whereas others will NEVER know this kind of happiness?... Luck seems to be always on their side and never leaves them... But what is the secret of their overwhelming good fortune? This is what I shall reveal to you. Very soon, you too Angel, will be one of these people who SUCCEEDS at everything! Yes, very soon, luck will always be on your side, letting you accomplish everything you want to do. My 6th fabulous Secret of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS How to attract GOOD LUCK in gambling I shall not tell you more because this procedure is very secret and cannot be left open for all to see. My 7th fabulous Secret of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS It is not possible to reveal it to you here! Yes, it is true that this 7th and last Great Secret is so strong, so POWERFUL, that I cannot reveal it to you now. You will discover it for yourself when you receive the other 6 Great Secrets of Good Fortune and Happiness. All I can tell you at present about this 7th Secret, is that it concerns all aspects of your personality and your life, and can radically change your whole existence! You see now, that with the 7 fabulous secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS that I intend to give you, accompanied by the Complete Personalized Horoscope of your life, a whole new world will be opened up to you. Love, Good Fortune, Money and everything you want and need will no longer be a problem for you. All you need to do is to follow the Secret of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS corresponding to each one of your desires, so that these become finally reality. Yes, it is as simple as that, and you can even verify this for yourself without risking a cent. I do not want you to take any kind of risk, so I offer you the following guarantee: Yes, Angel, although I am absolutely sure of everything I tell you, and although I am sure that your future life will be one where good fortune, love and money will be part of your everyday life if you agree to receive my 7 fabulous Secrets, I am anxious to offer you all this guarantee: I know that at present you can not take the least risk with your money, and this is why I am going to send you the 7 Secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS, without paying out a single cent. But this is not all! If, for whatever reason at all, these things that I tell you, do not bring great abundance to you, (that is to say if love, good luck and money do not rapidly enter your life), you only need to let me know, and I will fully repay you the sum you have paid for the Complete Personalized Horoscope. Thus, your experience will have been completely FREE! Truly, I cannot do more for you and for your happiness. But you must act now! Yes, if indeed you want these life changes, act NOW and not later, so that you can benefit from this unexpected good fortune that presents itself to you today. All you have to do is to complete and return the attached secret document today. That is you need to do, but you must do it, and do it now! It is extremely important. As soon as I will receive this secret document meaning your agreement, me you will make arrive very discreetly the 7 fabulous Secrets of the FORTUNE and the HAPPINESS, those there same that will make bring in luck, the love, and money in your life. As soon as I will receive this secret document, I will make you also arrive, very discreetly, my Great Clairvoyance Horoscope of your Chances to can to benefit the 7 fabulous Secrets of the FORTUNE and HAPPINESS undoubtedly because in this survey completes you are going to be able to find the precious information of which you have need so that accomplished himself this life where all will succeed you. You will find my more precious advices and my instructions secret. Thanks to the very clean vision that I had on your life to the course of the abrupt apparition of which I speak you in the beginning my letter, I go to be able to indicate you precisely with strength details, the exact road that you must borrow that is going to drive you directly toward this immense HAPPINESS that will be yours. In my Great Clairvoyance Horoscope of your Chances I will also tell you: how certain planets influence your state of mind and your moods not making of you an unique person resembling to no another one, how these same planets determine your favorable moments, your strokes of luck, your meetings and your reports with others. I will reveal you: how others see you, what they think you, what effects you provoke, what is your sensitivity. Wait you besides to the surprising revelations on yourself, on your personality and those that surround you... I will make you discover your real capacities, what are your odds exact, your true assets, your secret grants, your hidden faculties... I will unveil you obstacles that are as you and that disrupt you, blockages that stop you from succeeding but also and especially how to multiply your odds in all, how to avoid ambushes and obstacles, how to take the good decisions to the best moments and how to benefit this unexpected luck that is going to offer to you in depth. Yes, Angel, I am persuaded that you will be able to put to profit the 7 thus fabulous Secrets of the FORTUNE and HAPPINESS that will drive you straight ahead toward this HAPPINESS, this LUCK and this MONEY that you deserve so much! I now wait, and with a lot of impatience, of your news, and in this waiting I address you my more cordial reflections. Your Friend Sara Freder P.S. : I remind you that your first auspicious date is , (a financial return), so please do not wait too long or it may be too late! It is in your best interest! I count on you to make the best decision; your happiness is now in your hands. LAST MINUTE! To be sure that you can properly use the 7 fabulous Secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS to lead you toward this BLISS, GOOD LUCK and WEALTH that you deserve so much, I want you to benefit from the positive effects of a long series of mystical rites called the Ceremonials of High Protection, that I will begin to compile as soon as I have your agreement. These mystical ceremonial rites are destined to strengthen your good fortune and your energy, so that you can benefit to the maximum from the marvelous effects of the 7 fabulous Secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS, which will open all these doors of love, luck and wealth to you! These mystical rites will bring you, day after day, those controlling aspects that you lack at this time, so that your life in future days will remain permanently full of love, good luck and wealth; things you will learn from the 7 fabulous Secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS, because that is the life that you deserve. They will bring to you fabulous spiritual progress, multiplying by one thousand your spiritual energy, allowing you to increase your capacity for good luck, success and happiness. From this day on, I shall dedicate myself to the establishment and maintenance of GREAT JOY in your life. I am so happy to think this will be for you the beginning of a new and fabulous existence, if you make certain good decisions today. Yes, Angel, I promise you, I will place you under constant protection, if you have trust in me and agree to the 7 fabulous Secrets of GOOD FORTUNE and HAPPINESS and GOOD LUCK, LOVE and WEALTH will enter into your life, never to leave. huhuhuhuhu gutom ko ng basa.grabe.pla buhay ko.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 14:21:53 +0000

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