Dear Apparently New Neighbor, I am so sorry that Comcast sucks. - TopicsExpress


Dear Apparently New Neighbor, I am so sorry that Comcast sucks. I appreciate your need, and your right, to complain about it, at volume and at length, to your friend on the phone on your fire escape at 11 am on a Sunday. Nobody was sleeping, so its fine. And I was rather entertained. However. You should be aware that when your window and fire escape can see right into: my perpendicular-to-you building with its two flats, all the other apartments in your building, the three flats and countless roommates of the building next to you, and the -- see all those so-close-yet-so-far-away-heavenly backyards you can just glimpse from your standpoint? -- five or six backyards of the houses out back that all form a sort of echo chamber, THAT MEANS THEY CAN ALL HEAR YOU. Even when you lower your voice on the words mousy little Indian guy. And, in case you were wondering, yes, it IS racist to make the race of the serviceman who annoyed you a point of annoyance. Now you know. So, while no particular harm was done by broadcasting your very common plaint and your brief racist lapse, your friend Emily might not appreciate a bunch of strangers knowing that she succumbed again to the embraces of whatever manchild it is that you disapprove of for her. And you might want to be more circumspect with your race relations in San Francisco. Not that other transplant white girls like you will care, but -- you might not know this -- the citys population is a third Asian and you WILL be working with some, and some nights, when youre out drinking, the only cute guy in the bar whos unattached will be a mousy little Indian. Welcome to the neighborhood, Yr. Neighbor. p.s.: I havent seen Jasper yet, but his fighting-in-the-alley yowls sound cute. From one cat lover to another: the only way to keep them off your fresh laundry is to put it away immediately. Yelling doesnt help.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 18:29:28 +0000

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