Dear Atheists & Christians, We all, Atheists & Christians - TopicsExpress


Dear Atheists & Christians, We all, Atheists & Christians alike, need to stop attacking one another based upon our differences of being non believers or being believers of Jesus Christ. Regardless of these differences we are neighbors, even friends, who have one goal.... to work together to stop the atrocities that are happening in our countries. Coming together can make a vital difference in what is achieved through our efforts. It will also help to give a greater understanding of one another. I know that we dont always see eye to eye. I know that our hopes and dreams for a better future are not always the same. Lets stop focusing on our differences that are dividing us. By maintaining our current stances we will only empower our enemies. Let us focus upon what we all can agree on. First of all, we all want the freedom to live in peace with our neighbors and not be terrorized from inside our own countries. We want the freedoms of being able to speak freely, practice our particular beliefs (Non-Christian & Christian alike), protect our families by any means, to ensure equality for women, have our freewill to carry on our own life choices, etc. It is, for lack of a better word, stupid that we continue to allow differences to blind us to more important issues. As Non-Christian or Christian peoples, we do have one thing in common that binds us together... a heart that is grieving over what is happening to our countries. If we do not stand together against Muslimism and the destructions and atrocities that are being carried well as taking a stance against what our governments are expecting us to tolerate.... we fail not only ourselves...but all we, country, and so forth. The Admins.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 06:07:09 +0000

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