Dear Beloveds! I would like to share an awareness about making - TopicsExpress


Dear Beloveds! I would like to share an awareness about making our desires a reality and money, which can still be such a delicate subject for so many, although its nothing separate from anything else as a neutral experience of the Soul. We are the ones who navigate our Soul experiences, and so its important to observe how we address every aspect of our living reality. Recently someone mentioned a phrase saving up to me, and I was instantly nudged by Spirit to share the following. When we think about what we wish to buy, treat ourselves with, or whether its just a physical necessity, in Truth behind it, it is never about money. That is why when we speak about how to afford something or save up for something, money should never become our only objective. This will only keep us further away from our desires. Now what do I really mean with this? In higher awareness, money is never seen first, and then what we desire comes second. If we would ask ourselves what do we truly desire Now, our Heart would tell us plain and simple ... in an instant. In most cases this is nothing material, but I AM not addressing such examples here. In Truth, everything that we desire or require on a Human level of experience is about trust and perfect timing, and the understanding that what is meant to be in our experience, always will. Let me give You a short example of this! Lets say that I require new hiking shoes, because the previous ones I had are all worn out. Let us also say that they were recently on sale which included a special discount, but I did not have the money for them at that time, as I needed to buy some other things that were more necessary/timely at that time. So basically, the energy that went into paying for those things, was required there. Now let us say that the shoes are now no longer on sale, and their price went up again. Do I see the object of my need/desire through the lens of money, or can I shift the perspective into something higher? So I did not have the money for the energy exchange at the time being of the discount. Now the shoes are pricy again, and the Human mind can quickly jump to assumptions such as: I cant afford this, its too expensive, I need to save up again, etc. Now is that the real Truth? The first thing to look at here is whether the requirement or the desire for the item still remained within us. If it did, the energy will flow to support that desire in perfect Divine timing, and we are the one who will co-create it. Only we can make things real, and this is how we learn to co-create with awareness. Our Soul always shows us where the current flow of energy is, which means the highest Divine potential at the time being. So in Truth its not really about saving up. I never really believed in savings or reserves. Even though its all good and fine to invite in and co-create with the energy of abundance on all levels of Being, its not really being in awareness if we hold on to something out of fear of lack of safety/security. We are learning to create on higher levels Now, remember? We are becoming Masters of the Self! Being in awareness means to know the difference between the surface of things (what seems to be) and the real Truth (what truly Is). When we understand the difference, we know how to consciously work with directing the flow of energy through conscious co-creation. First we need to have a look at which old beliefs are still preventing us from being fully free and fully anchored/integrated in the New ... a higher dimensional reality and form of manifesting, which only means bringing into form through the fusion of Heart and Mind as One ... in perfectly aligned Soul awareness. Old beliefs keep us from seeing that all is in perfect flow, and that we are always supported through our Divine Self, which will always co-create with us ... and the more conscious we are about it, the more flow and abundance through perfect trust we will generate. A belief about saving up for the future actually keeps the energy flow in the future, so we actually see it as something that is yet far away and so we create it this way and it might never come, as we always keep postponing it and invest into other things first. How many times You invested into something that seemed to be cheaper instead of truly investing in your Self ... or waiting for the perfect thing? Patience is Key as well! Through awareness, we actually feed what we feel is most important for us in the Now, and then we direct conscious energy emanations/action into that stream of manifestation. This is how we co-create in the New! We dont really need savings ... we only need a higher awareness which gets the job done through deeper understanding of who we really are as Master co-creators. Within Divine Love, Polona Aurea Dawn P.S. I will have my Mountain shoes in the new hiking season no matter how much they cost ... can You see the difference between the old and New perspective and paradigm?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 20:57:21 +0000

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