Dear Biblical Holy Seed Group, I just want to take a moment to - TopicsExpress


Dear Biblical Holy Seed Group, I just want to take a moment to thank all of you and your contribution to this Group. From the very beginning I believe each of us hoped this Group would be one where ideas could be shared and we could learn from each other. I believe it has been wonderfully successful in its goal. Most, but no all, have come from a background which was somewhat influenced by the Christian church and its doctrines. We understand most Christian churches share the basic tenets but go off in other directions (often called denominations). We actually have some who have lived on what we might call the dark side of life. One thing most of us have in common is we are seekers. TDust Edge has spent literally decades learning the Hebrew and the deeper meanings of the Hebraic language and has given much time to share the information she has learned. How many of us could afford to go to Israel to study for years with many of the learned scholars. I dare say any because we have not. We realize everyone is on their own personal journey and it is not up to us to speed them up or get them to follow our journey. I know the Church has come up with what they call settled doctrine which they feel is the one and only journey and one must follow it or be condemned to eternal damnation or get the crap beat out of them. Why do I question this? Well.....because other than the four gospels which were allowed into the Holy Scriptures (two of which were not actual followers of the Messiah but came later to write their books) there are other books and what do we see from them.....the special relationship each disciple had with the Messiah and they did not always line up with each other. History tells us that the Church made a point to disseminate their gospel until we all became somewhat uniform in our thinking. Sounds like our schools systems, government, money system, etc.? TDust Edge has offered, what I believe, to be one of the most unique ideas of a LORD GOD bloodline and for me it was the eureka moment and the puzzle began to fall into place. With my biblical history knowledge and past, present and future history knowledge, it began to make all the sense in the world. Now I know the Messiah was speaking in parables in order to show those willing to seek, see and hear out of the church box would be able to decipher. He was trying to get His followers out of the man made box back then. Certainly not to go against the instructions but to follow the everlasting instructions that never change yesterday, today and tomorrow. So what am I saying, this Group is for those who are trying to get out of any box they have been forced into and seek the life changing freedom of the Father and His representatives the Son and the Comforter/Helper. His representatives always were directing us to Their Father, Their God, Our Father and Our God. To those of you who feel you must make sure you get your point (journey) across to the point of being antagonistic, please dont. I have had enough people come into the message to say things like I have notice so and so is not scriptural. Believe it or not, it is not our job to orchestrate everyones journey. This is the Fathers business and He is able to guide each of us in the way we should go. I have stopped responding to doctrine. We are here to learn from each other and grow. I have learned so much from many of you. You have provided pieces of the puzzle because I do not have every moment of the day to search out everything but I am getting information which the Father is bringing my way (through you) which I may be ready to understand, assimilate or some information which I am pondering in my heart for understanding. Some information I may dismiss based on my experience and journey to date and other information I take to heart. I dont care if a person has had a vision, has exceptional skills in the spirit realm and have all knowledge but lack charity toward their fellowman (different from the syrupy love) and show their lack of humility and understanding and failure to seek and learn. I would ask you to show respect to each other and where we all are. We can verify, there is great learning going on and we are sure the Father is pleased.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 19:32:07 +0000

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