Dear Binod Chandra Mishra, I am often asked –“Are you a - TopicsExpress


Dear Binod Chandra Mishra, I am often asked –“Are you a leftist, socialist or a capitalist?” Friends, we are not wedded to any ideology. We are common people. We have our problems. We want solutions. If we find solution to any problem in the Left, we are happy to borrow it from there. If we find solution in Capitalism, we are happy to take it from there. But we firmly believe that government has no business to be in business. Government should leave business to the citizens of this country. I personally belong to a business family. Other than my father, most of the other members of my family are in business. I am aware of the kind of problems faced by a businessman. There are two types of businessmen. The first category consists of those businessmen who openly subvert and milk the system to their advantage. For instance those businessmen who buy spectrum for Rs 1500 crores today and sell it at Rs 6000 crores a week later, we don’t call it business. This is open loot. The second category consists of those businessmen who constantly struggle against the system and are successful despite all obstacles created by the system. Whereas the former category of businessmen would like to maintain status quo, the latter category wants India to become corruption-free. The first category of businessmen are less than 1%. Majority of the businessmen in our country want to do business honestly. A businessman creates wealth and provides employment. Out of his profits, he pays taxes, runs his family and does charity. He ought to be honored for that. However, the system treats him as a thief and a dacoit. For instance, in Dellhi, the whole system of VAT has deliberately been kept complex. It is extremely difficult to comply with it. So traders are forced to pay bribes. AAP would simplify these systems. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) would create a business environment where people can do business honestly. AAP would remove all legal and administrative obstacles that exist today in doing honest business. Rather than act as an obstacle, AAP would create an environment that encourages and facilitates business. Why does it happen that a person faces so much problem when he tries to start a business in India but he does so well when he goes to the US? Indians abroad are doing so well. Actually, Indians are first class people who are victims of third class governance in our own country. AAP would like to change all this. After having implemented an honest system, those who subvert the system would be strictly dealt with. If you have any ideas, feel free to write to me. With best regards, Arvind Kejriwal
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 05:06:42 +0000

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