Dear Black People Who Keep Holding Up the Race Card, Believe it - TopicsExpress


Dear Black People Who Keep Holding Up the Race Card, Believe it or not you all have been Gruberized by the Preseident, by Eric Holder, by race Pimps Al not so Sharp-ton, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, etc etc etc. They count on your stupidity, they feed on it - why? because they care about you? Hell no they dont. They dont care one stinkin iota about you. To them, you are a meal ticket, a vote, a few minutes of their face on the evening news - you are a means to an end only. They will pick on your bones until they are done and then wait until they can pounce on another opportunity to do it all over again. Al Sharpton has made millions off you. So has Jesse Jackson. Have they shared any of it with you? Hell no. Al Sharpton doesnt even pay his taxes. You think all this welfare you get is free? No. Its not. Nevermind what it costs hardworking taxpayers. Look at what it is costing you. They dope you up with freebies, while your schools continue to decline, your neighborhoods are crime ridden, your kids are raised without fathers, and you kids are getting killed. Because of whitey? No- because liberals - black and white - own you. The govt has replaced your men and you all eat it up like it is your last meal. Liberals bed your wives and your children with empty promises and freebies. Liberal policies have sent businesses overseas. What jobs we do have - go to foreigners and now, illegals. Your so-called reverends preach hatred and bigotry and the poison of victimhood. Like leeches they feed upon you. You know what they are afraid of? If you shed the victimhood, the racism, and withdraw from welfare dope, they would have no more bits on the news, no more money making speeches, partying with Hollywood, visiting the White house. They demonize blacks who have made it. They are afraid you will one day realize the power you truly do have - to be able to stand on your own two feet, take care of your own kids and pay your own way - and think for yourselves - not what the race mongers want you to believe. Thats real power, power they will never let you have.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:52:07 +0000

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