Dear Blessed One, As a Christian, there is a strength that - TopicsExpress


Dear Blessed One, As a Christian, there is a strength that flows from our inner man that can overpower any enemy that comes against us. The source of that power is the Holy Spirit and the power is activated by faith in the Father. When I was a boy, I remember watching my mom cook with a cooker. She would put it on the stove and heat it until a relief valve on the lid would open and relieve pressure. The world is a pressure cooker. Pressures from bills, sickness, family, and life in general have pushed many to the edge. Sometimes it seems like we can’t take the pressure, so we have to let off a little steam. Life should not be this way. We were created in the image and likeness of God. (Gen. 1:26.) We are told in Ephesians 5:1 that we are to be imitators of God. No, we are not to be God, but we are to be like Him.So, how is God? Is He stressed from bills? Is He worried about how He will get through the day? No, of course not.Galatians 5:22-23 gives us a complete description of the nature of God and His personality. The nine characteristics of God are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Remember, the Bible calls this the fruit of the Spirit. As Christians, God expects us to walk in love and experience fullness of joy. He wants us to live a life of peace and to be in full control of the world around us. He has given us power and authority. (2 Tim. 1:7; Luke 10:19.) We don’t need to beg God for relief. He has already given us the victory. (1 Cor. 15:57.)When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the Bible says that the Holy Spirit literally moves inside of our spirit and we become what Jesus called bornagain. (Acts2:38; John 3:3.) By having this born-again experience, we are empowered with the source of the power, the Holy Spirit, who can guide us out of the pressure cooker of life and teach us to walk in the peace we have been given.How do we activate the power and the authority we have been given? How can we move from the pressures of life to peace? What is the secret? What is the key? Countless self-help books have been written on this subject, but the answer is so simple that most people miss it.Jesus told His disciples that when a mountain (kingdom) needs to be moved, that we must speak to it. (Mark 11:23.) In other words, we must exercise our authority over the enemy. We must confidently speak the Word, knowing who we are in Christ. Jesus said it this way: Whoever says to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.However, Jesus qualifies this powerful statement in the previous verse. He said, Have faith in God.(v.22). That means, we must believe what God says more than what we see. We must believe what His Word says more than what the world says.The world says, You can’t make it and you will fail, but God’s Word says.No weapon formed against you will prosper. (Isa. 54:17.)Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4 KJV.)You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. (Phil. 4:13.)Because you believe, all things are possible. (Mark 9:23.)My faith in Him has overcome the world. (1 John 5:4.)So, when the pressures of life seem unbearable, have faith in God. He loves you. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for you. He raised Him from the dead so you could have eternal life with Him. He will never leave you. (Heb. 13:5). If it seems like God is not with you, remember this. God is not the One who moved.Repent, submit, and obey. Have faith in God and prepare for your victory. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32. Precious child of God, the same level of victory is available to all believers. God does not have special people that He has ordained to succeed more than the others. However, there are those who have made conscious effort to dig into the word of God and discovered the great treasures available to them. When you see some people standing tall in the midst of adversity, it is because of the truth they know and obey. Beloved, many people have lived a self deceived life saying – what you don’t know does not hurt you. That is not always true, what you don’t know keeps you in perpetual bondage and pain. What you don’t know robs you of your divine inheritance. Choose not to live in ignorance today because everything you need in order to broaden your knowledge is available today. The Bible is available in so many translations and languages that everyone can easily read it. There are so many books written to give you a clearer picture of what the Bible is saying; there are Bible encyclopaedias, there are many living Churches preaching the undiluted word of God. There are many books of great men and women of God available. Beloved, you have no excuse to live in ignorance. Shine with information God has provided. Child of God, Dan. 11:32, made it abundantly clear that they that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. In other words, when you know God in the midst of your challenge, you will stay strong. When you know what the word of God has said concerning you, every other thing the devil is saying becomes irrelevant and useless. Beloved, Proverbs rightly declares that many will kiss the lips of him who has the answer. What you know will not only set you free, it will make you outstanding in your world. It is my prayer today that you will come into an intimate relationship with God and be the extension of God in your world.Do not end the year with problems, end the year with answers in Jesus Mighty name. Tomorrow is our End of the year Cross over Service. The Service id to close a chapter of your life and open a new doors of opportunities. Thank God for his Grace that have Kept Us! I specially invite you and family to join us thisWednesday 31st Cross Over Service 2014@Well Function Hall( Praise House)145-151 London Road, Croydon. Surrey. CRO 2RG. Time: 9pm- 1am. Buses 250, 64, 109, 198, 289.Trains- East Croydon and West Croydon train station( 10 minutes walk to the centre) For any help, Please, call on07904250244 and 07903669996. First class reception awaits you. Remember to bring your Fresh bottle of oil and your Mantle. Come for a Prophetic Word to stand on for 2015. God will raise you from zero to Hero. Come for your Keys to be a commander over all your life challenges. See you at the Top. Jesus is Lord! Thought for the Day: The earth shall yield her increase for you and you will not be denied. Prayer- Great God of all Glory, we honour you for your love that kept us, we pray for grace to know your truth and abide by it every day of our lives in Jesus Mighty name. Praise him for all that he has done for you in 2014. Praise for all his Works in the Church. Praise for your family, Nation and loved ones. Praise him for one particular blessing this year. Activate the blood over yourself. Pray for the salvation of Great Britain. God is still the great protector of your life. The truth of his Word is still pure and powerful and can do all things! Have a Blessed Day, Pastor Portia & Henry Biney
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:52:59 +0000

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