Dear Blessed One, Gods very first marching orders to mankind - TopicsExpress


Dear Blessed One, Gods very first marching orders to mankind were subdue and have dominion. In other words, Go out there and win! Likewise, as a born-again, restored child of God, you are to exercise dominion over your world. That means every aspect of daily living, every circumstance in your life should be in subjection to you, just as you are in subjection to God. Far too many believers are living under the dominion of the worlds system. They live in bondage to circumstances like poverty, oppression and sickness. This should not be. Psalms 8:4,5 says: What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. The translators of the King James Bible put it as phrase a little lower than the angels. The word translated angels there is actually the Hebrew word Elohim and it is one of the Old Testament names of God. The New American Standard gets it right: Yet thou hast made him a little lower than God ... Praise The Lord!!!! God meant for you to be in a position of authority. A position in which all things are under your feet and you are in bondage to nothing. Sadly, very few believers are actually living that way.Many Christians even try to make themselves feel better about their losing lifestyles by thinking that suffering defeat makes them more spiritual. They say things like, It doesnt matter whether you win or lose but how you play the game. Thats Defeat Mentality! If youre not going to try to win - and Im talking about winning Gods way - then dont even play the game. Theres nothing noble about losing. It will leave you frustrated, unfulfilled and perhaps, worst of all, totally ineffectual as a witness. The world is not going to be influenced by a bunch of losers. Thats one of the main reasons the Church hasnt had a greater impact on our culture and Systems. Who wants to join a movement that doesnt have victory as its objective? Lets face it. Until you and I start moving into the realm of the winner, our influence on the world will be severely limited. That doesnt mean, however, we must adopt a worldly, cut-throat, win-at-any-cost mentality. In fact, winning for the believer has a quite different meaning. According to the worlds way of thinking, when someone wins, it means everyone else has to lose. Worldly winning is exclusive. Its lonely at the top, were told. There can be just one number one - only one chairman of the board. The worlds concept of winning also implies the domination of others. Were told that we have to climb over people to get to the top, to put others down in order to put ourselves over. A best-selling book in the business world a few years ago was entitled, Winning Through Intimidation. Think about that! Gods concept of winning is far more wonderful. First of all, it is not exclusive. There is room at the top for everyone in Gods system of winning. Secondly, instead of dominating people, a godly winner dominates circumstances. Thats because in the kingdom of God we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places Eph. 6:12. Gods winners realize that even though another person may seem to be behind a negative circumstance in their life, that person is not the root of the problem. They understand that God hasnt promised them dominion over other people, but He has guaranteed them dominion over circumstances and the demonic forces behind it. So its those forces and circumstances the real winner puts under his feet. You will surely Win and defeat them. “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”Galatians 6:9 Precious Child of God, In the scripture above, Apostle Paul was talking about sowing and reaping; however, all truth is parallel because the principle is the same whether you apply it to sowing and reaping, walking in faith or spiritual warfare. If you do not allow yourself to become weary to the point of giving up, you will reap the reward of your patience and faith. The key is never to give up. Beloved, Faithfulness and obedience will bring about the manifestation of your faith. God says His word will always manifest in due season, no what the pressure of today. You may not know when the due season will arrive, that is why it is a faith walk, but you have an assurance that it is coming because God, who promised, cannot lie. However, if you stop standing in faith, if you give up, you will miss your due season. But that is not my prayer for you. My prayer is that you will always be ready and on time when your visitation will come; because it will certainly come.I see it coming in Jesus Name. Beloved, Many times, when the due season is about to come, the devil will throw his last shot to discourage you, but don’t give in to the devil. Look at the case of Jairus’ daughter in Mk. 5:21-36, the child that was reported sick suddenly died just when Jesus was heading for her home to heal her. When things happens, don’t panic because of pressure. Panic is a sudden, unreasonable overpowering fear – don’t give it a place in your life. It is a smokescreen to hide the miracle from you. Don’t allow it. Stand firm in the word of God knowing that heaven and earth may pass away, but the word of God will surely come to pass. Child of God, Don’t draw back, don’t despair, don’t give up. Your due season will come.God has still got a place for you in life, you are still among the Living. Fear not, victory is coming in Jesus Name. Tomorrow is Our Prophetic, Miracles and Deliverance Service. God is still working Signs and Wonders to those who believe. Come boldly this Friday and let us enter into his Treasure house for our last minute blessings. Invite and connect others for this Service. Time is 7pm. Your life will never remain the same. See you. Jesus is Lord! Thought for the Day: The good Lord will open our eyes, ears and understanding to give the right interpretations to His dealings with us always. Prayer- God of all Seasons and time,We praise you for another day.We pray for Grace not to get tired and plant in us the Spirit of expectation daily for more of you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen! Pray for the Spirit of Power and Might. Pray for Spirit of Love to Manifest in your life. Pray for the Grace to Push every obstacles that hinders your walk with God. Pray for the Power to ride high in all areas of your life. Pray against the Spirit of weary and discouragement. Pray for New Ideas and insight for 2015.Pray for our Nation that God will deliver us from all evil and Pains. Pray for our Cross Service and adverts. When you wait upon The Lord, he manifest his glory above your expectation. God is ever ready to bring it to pass what so ever you desire if only, you would hold on till the end. Great Peace comes to those who trust in Him. Have a Blessed Day, Pastor Portia & Henry Biney
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 09:27:10 +0000

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