Dear Brave Souls: ABOUT WHY HOW/ WHY NOW... as one ages, there - TopicsExpress


Dear Brave Souls: ABOUT WHY HOW/ WHY NOW... as one ages, there comes a time... BJ, one of our longtime readers here on facebook asked a question re the new processes going on in publishing my works now-- and he is right, the entire publishing scene as it once was, is tipped over in many ways-- and there are new ways to bring works as never before. So, yes, Im happy to reply. Im going to reply to here rather than bury it in what has become a long comments string in the post below this one. But first, thank you all for responding with your thoughts to what Ive been thinking about: re ebooks possibility in series. And to reply to quite a few of you, I can assure you there will be hard copy books of each of the three titles. The timing of how to do final combing to done-done and how to balance that with bringing the works into your hands, is what Im thinking over. Again thank you!! Your enthusiasm and good ideas about how YOU read, which way you prefer to read [ereader/ink on paper] are very much appreciated by me. Im a book-book reader myself. But if one reads mainstream media news, we ink on paper readers are seeming like the selkies swimming down to retrieve buried treasure on the bottom of the ocean floor. lol. And yet stlll too, I see the very young have their whole new world before them... and after study of disruptive tech and the future that i will not be here to live in, I hope to also serve the young who have different ideas about how to take in story and helps and information. So again, thank you. Here is the question one of our readers here asked [below] along with my reply which I hope may give insight into the world of this author, and the current state of publishing... Love to you all.... from dr. e ---Q: from BJ Honeycutt ***Dr. E I am curious as to why you ask this question. Is this material that you feel needs to be in the hands of the reader as soon as possible? Is this a financial consideration? Or is it an effort to be Done-Done? What do you anticipate the overall impact of the trickle out method vs. the big wait? It sounds as if they each have been in gestation for a period of time. Now I am like the expectant Father, anticipating the birth of one of my beautiful babies - triplets no less. I enjoy reading your material so much, book or posts, that I will take it anyway it comes. I will trust your judgement. ---A: BJ Honeycutt [of a most gracious surname]. Thank you for your thoughts and your questions. And your kind words. As I mention in many of my posts here, I feel the press of time at my age. As you know for Ive made elegies and euologies for many of my peer-beloveds who have gone from the Earth in the last three years especially, and this year as well... souls well known, and souls known only to my heart. I believe many of us came in a pod, like a small school of whales... to this earth, for similar purpose. All this meaning there comes a time to continue to bring all things into order now as I can see what used to be, for me, shrouded in fog before. That is, there is no more fog now: I can see clearly what I call the far encampment. Ive many manuscripts written or nearly done in addition to these three. I would like many to see the light of day while I am still embodied/ensouled on this beautiful planet, Earth. Meaning I would like to keep mis promesas to Creator, troths given long long ago, to bring what I can to manifestation on Earth as best I can. On a pragmatic level-- [those who know my work know I strive to live in both worlds in balanced ways; in Reason-- and also for the Spirits reasons, too.] Readers who know my work have been so patient as the years have gone by for theyve known of and anticipated these three particular works for a long time now. La Pasionaria/Bright Angel; The Dangerous Old Woman; La Curandera. Many also know of the huge upheaval in the last ten years in the publishing world, including especially amongst the publishers Id been lucky enough to have published my other five books with {English], and also in foreign language editions across the world. The upheaval has been caused by what some call disruptive technology. In this case, meaning the ebook and its quickness to readers hands, mainly in the genres, such as mystery, romance, suspense, sci fi, fantasy, erotica, and so on, but including nonfiction-- and this has caused many a publisher to change their ways of doing business, making changes that have often caused editorial and accounting to think they ought carve the many authors works up in order to market them-- with sometimes a very personal idea that is not shared by many many authors. Some nowadays --as never before-- carve up the manuscript to some rote and completely unexamined corporate-only idea. But onward. Things change. The only question is, are we up for doing what needs be done, taking the road less traveled, going up against and over the old walls that no longer hold as the best and only? Right now, there is for the first time ever, in bringing works to the world, new and many and better ways. It just takes strong intention to learn new ways.... [Ive taken classes on disruptive tech and its consequences at Brown this autumn, as well as learned to format covers and interiors of books by taking classes various, as well as deeply reading reports and studies and polls and first witness reporting to stay abreast of the pains and prides of the publishing worldwide-- through wsj and other private correspondents on many continents who have their fingertips on different pulses in the delivery industry that we have called publishing. To say it just flat out: publishing nowadays aint for sissies. And the most important relationship is between author and reader. And between author and the angels. And whatever useful and integral means to unite all, without unnecessary impediments, is the path I am striving toward. ***Regardless of all else swirling around and in my life, my health, my inner world, outer world, my angels-- just to say gently again: amongst my peers, I likely know more about the publishing world past, present and yet to be with so much new opportunity on the horizon, than most of my authorial peers, for Ive given myself to learning its sprawl and studying its errors and good sense from many perspectives, and in depth for the last many years. It has been an immense education in what not to do at present, and what to do that will be far better. ***An old Navy man who I loved, who passed away at age 96 in clear mind and strong huge body, told me the quote assigned to Admiral Farragut in the Civil War, Damn the torpedos Full steam ahead, was actually inaccurate. Farragut had just seen some of his ships taken down by running through the enemy mine field underwater. My old Navy guy, said Farrguts command to go forward regardless, was this instead: Damn the torpedoes! Four bells. Captain Drayton, go ahead! Jouett, full speed! Farraguts ships were able to get through. I hope too, also. Four bells. Four bells is often a name given also to racehorses. Just saying. lol. I hope you are at least smiling with me on that last... In more gravity, Id say that the time of there comes a time, has arrived when it is clear as can be with the weight of the debt of honor behind it: Ive promises to keep. And though I dont know for sure, hopefully, yet, I have miles to go before I sleep. Hope that helps to answer your note BJ. Again, with love, dr.e
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 03:03:26 +0000

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