Dear Brothers and Sisters, This year, 2013, marks the 75th - TopicsExpress


Dear Brothers and Sisters, This year, 2013, marks the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht (Night of Br oken Glass) a series of attacks against Jews in Germany and Austria that began Hitler’s systematic elimination of the Jewish people. On the night of November 9-10, 1938, thousands of Jewish homes, shops, schools, and synagogues were ransacked and destroyed, leaving the streets covered in pieces of smashed windows – hence, the origin of the name “Kristallnacht”. That terrifying night marks the moment that should have erased any doubt about Hitler’s intentions. Jewish lives were in jeopardy, and clea rly there would be further tragedy – yet the world stood by in silence. We at SMM have been priv ileged to be invited by the Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center of Florida and th e Interfaith Council of Central Florida to join as a participant in this most important anniversary re membrance in presenting “Witness”, a drama about Kristallnacht that looks through the eyes of some w ho shared in the turmoil of that terrible night. The script is entirely in their words. Some are diary entries, letters, and other documents written immediately afterward. Some are testimonies provided years later. They are among thousands of accounts from that night, each one equally deserving of our attention. It is so important that we allow their words to speak to us – their lives – their place in the world, and to pass this knowledge, this history along to the next generation. Please join us on Wednesday, November 13 at 7 PM in the Church for this dramatic presentation that uses both live actors and powerful historic imagery. Though the presentation is gripping, it is not too graphic for younger folks. Come and help us remember, so that we will never be doomed to repeat this horrific past.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:00:45 +0000

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