Dear CHRISTIAN BLOGGER, Q: How can Christianity be true when - TopicsExpress


Dear CHRISTIAN BLOGGER, Q: How can Christianity be true when Christians have caused so much injustice? A: It is true that the Christian church has abused, enslaved, and killed people throughout history. However, this doesn’t mean Christianity cannot be right. History holds many examples of Christians and institutions that have launched military campaigns in the name of Christ, enslaved groups of people, and exploited the vulnerable. Tragically, some people have twisted verses in the Bible to try to justify their atrocities, and have claimed the title “Christian” for power and financial gain. These things are entirely against the teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians must wholeheartedly condemn atrocities committed in the name of Christ. But history is also filled with examples of Christians who have lived out the words of Jesus. Consider Mother Theresa who spent her life helping the poor in India, William Wilberforce who worked for decades to abolish slavery in England, and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. who gave his life for equality and civil rights. Christians aid organizations help millions of people worldwide by stopping injustice, bringing food and aid after natural disasters, and working to end extreme poverty. The truth of Christianity is not determined by stacking up side by side the examples of good or bad things Christians have done. Christianity is not false simply because some who claim the name of Christian fail to live out what that really means. Think of it this way: PREMISE: Some people have committed atrocities in the name of Christ. CONCLUSION: Therefore, Christianity must be false. Clearly, the conclusion does not follow from the premise – any more than saying all medical science must be false simply because some people who claim to be doctors are frauds. Jesus’ teachings and message are as true today as they were when he first gave them. Jesus described his ministry on earth by saying, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed” (Luke 4:18). As followers of Jesus, every one of us is called to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and be part of God’s plan to bring good news to the poor and those in need, and to rescue the lost and oppressed. “How does God rescue the life of the needy from the hands of the wicked? Overwhelmingly, he does it through those who choose to follow him in faith and obedience. He doesn’t need our ‘help,’ but he chooses to use us.” – Gary Haugen
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 14:00:01 +0000

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