Dear Chris Wark, This article and testimonial of Author Ann - TopicsExpress


Dear Chris Wark, This article and testimonial of Author Ann Cameron curing her stage 4 cancer with carrot juice , and nothing else speaks volumes to our mainstream medical practice of slash ,burn, and poison that has a dismal real success rate. Ann is courages to believe in herself and to stick with her program using food as medicine. Lets use common sense here. Our body and filtering organs have evolved over millions of years from the whole foods that we eat for nourishment and support of our immune system from birth to our last breath. It has always been this way and now today for a mere 100 years of our human history we are told other wise. That only chemicals derived from war and mustard gas that chemo is made from is now the only recognized standard of treatment for cancer patients. So This thinking flies in the face of Nature . The human liver does not even recognize the Chemo drug as food and this filtering organ that is the industrial waste management of the human body fails to function and shuts down literally after chemo is administered . This applies to every cell and organ in the body. My fathers chemo treatment turned his urine dark brown to my shock and I broke down in tears watching the bag fill up like this . How barbaric our present day system of abuse for profit has become. The simple fact still remains to this day. Most every Oncologist if diagnosed with cancer will refuse adamantly to take their own medicine. They do not even believe their own protocol and give false hope to their patients for money. There is a word for this? Holistic Chef Barry PS: Ann Cameron you are my hero and your courage is acknowledged by me . You are truly blessed.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 16:40:06 +0000

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