Dear Christians, Where do we begin?!? Do you know your God made - TopicsExpress


Dear Christians, Where do we begin?!? Do you know your God made us too? You and us, we arent so different. We are blind, literally, but you laugh or cuss when we trip over you. This world is dark dark dark and you say you have the light. Why do you keep it hidden? Are you afraid we will mock, kill or unfriend you? Either way, why should that stop you from sharing TRUTH? In the end wont we all just find out you were right all along? You say you love the poor but you only give out of guilt, convenience or for tax breaks. And why do you think giving just means money? You say your God is love but you play favorites. Really? Dont you remember that not so long ago you were just one of us? How quickly you have forgotten your roots. We are hungry for food we cannot identify and you leave the bread of life on the shelf for days. Why should I believe He can stop this hunger pain in my soul? We could go on and on Christians, but we wont. Our pleas wont change you. Thats up to your father and what a tough job He has. What makes you think we believe He really has time for us with all you kids to put up with? We just want to close with this....we are here. We are searching and starving. We want to be found even though we cant admit we are lost. If what you claim really is true, please live like it and dont keep the Light of the World all to yourselves. Sincerely, ~The Rest of Us Christian brothers and sisters....dont read this and feel condemned or think how awesome it sounds. My prayer for me and you is that we will live resting in the Gospel and live letting our lights shine so people will see our works and glorify the FATHER. Its not about us. Its not about words. Faith without works is dead. Praise God for grace. Live like you really have been redeemed. You can do all things thru Him....even this.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:41:22 +0000

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