Dear Church, The Lord carries you in His heart and remembers you - TopicsExpress


Dear Church, The Lord carries you in His heart and remembers you in His thoughts every moment of every day. So many of you desire to stand tall within the will of God but your faith has been wounded by others. You have accepted defeat on account of your many trials. The world that you were destined to reach out to has become your greatest foe, and you war against those who carry the orders of your enemy rather than your enemy himself. A great deception has entered your ranks and subdued your forces while you slumber in your complacency. The dark power that has sought to devour you has reasoned with you rather than come against you, and you have lowered your guard to allow them to set up camp amidst those who have been chosen to be warriors. Because of this, even your conquerors have become slaves. Carrying you away by temptation and dazzling you with empty promises has rendered you powerless and lame. They have silenced your voices and driven you mad by their oppression, to the point where you dare not speak against those things which you know your God loathes and detests. You have come to a place in time where only a great awakening and the sounding of a mighty trumpet will startle you from the hypnotists which have practiced their sorcery upon your minds. You hearken to their goddess Jezebel and allow her to rule and take control by accepting the very abomination which caused the destruction of Sodom, and tolerate the fear she produces within you so your mouth is closed shut while she constructs new laws within you. You are paralyzed by the feeble fable of the law of attraction that is being sold to you. This power has caused you to believe that you have the ability to cause something to come to pass by using the Name of the Lord, without questioning His sovereign will. That is the core of witchcraft, and to use the Name of Jesus to obtain things which are not the will of God is blasphemy. You run after strange doctrine, words and sayings that were never spoken of by the Son of God neither His prophets. Doctrine that has set itself up against the Living God. In your desperation for pleasure you have been deceived and your ears itch wildly for this comfort. You have decided within your hearts that you crave acceptance from man more than your need to be accountable to God. Do you not know that this tug of your heart strings for the things of this world sets you up as a pawn within a chess game and produces enmity with the very One Who set you apart for eternity? You await deliverance from the evil which has overcome the hearts and minds of the masses without realizing that He is coming for a spotless Bride, one without blemish and one without defect. Therefore, wash your garments and commit to holiness. Forsake this world and the clattering noises of those who are doomed to destruction. Why should you partake of her sorcery and immorality and murders and greed? Have you not been called for purity and sacrifice and wholeness of heart and mind? Open your eyes as wide as you can and see that this world is passing away. Behold the time is coming when there will be no remembrance of these things. The tempter has led you by covetousness and lust and revelry and contempt and jealousy and pride and arrogance and fear and mischief and confusion and depression and witchcraft just like a sheep to the slaughter. A carrot has been perpetually dangled before you for things you will never have because you were never meant to. You are at a spiritual crossroad and you must decide which path you will walk upon. There is one whose path leads to the house of a harlot and you must refrain from even gazing at it, lest you be taken over by its glittering illusion. Cast not your pearls before swine. Repent, for the time is coming when the Lord will have to shake you from your sleep, and that quaking will shatter your entire foundation if it is built upon sand. The eleventh hour was meant to rescue souls from the pit, not to obtain worldly possessions. Call upon the Holy Spirit Who was given to you for guidance, peace, and power to not only overcome those things which consume your soul, but to rise up within you the ability to bring the lost sheep back into the fold. To sound the alarm that the end is approaching. To destroy the unfruitful works of darkness. To proclaim freedom for the captives. And to quench the darts of the enemy which have struck the very foundation upon which you stand. Dont wait another day to make a change. The Lord has strived with you and the Holy Spirit has grieved over the time you have chosen to slumber through the most pivotal of all times in the history of the world. Dont allow sin to reign over you and the desire for the things here which are rotting and decaying. Dont sit back while your neighbor believes a lie and do nothing about it. Dont let the fear of man and the fear of the evil of this age drench you in doubt and disillusion you. You were made to be courageous. You were made to overcome. You were made to dispel the power that is decimating your purpose and your destiny. You were made for a time as this. You are the Body of that which will eternally reign and carry out the tasks which were prophesied by those who would do the job themselves if they were still alive. You are not dead as you have considered yourself to be. You have the Spirit of the Living God roaring as the Lion of Judah awakening you within so that you may be counted worthy to receive the Kingdom that was prepared for you before the foundation of the earth. Arise, O sleeper, and let Christ shine upon you! Cast off those worthless idols! Rebuke the desires that ravage your soul! Lay your life down for when you do, you will find it! Give to all who are in need! Speak the truth about sin and refuse the paths of those who go about deceiving and being deceived! Proclaim the Way, the Truth, and the Life from every mountaintop no matter how steep the climb! For the Lord is waiting patiently on your return, and is coming back for a Church who has prepared herself to give her heart to only One. And His Name is Jesus Christ. Signed, A member of the Body.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:47:05 +0000

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