Dear Citizens: As you know, Im putting together a - TopicsExpress


Dear Citizens: As you know, Im putting together a streamlined political platform for social change on (dont look now, its currently down, but will be back up soon with an all-new look & better layout). I am going to be asking for yours participation, so please read this all the way through (it wont be very long), & let me know if any of you would volunteer for a photo-shoot. Heres how the website is going to be designed: The website is going to bring together everything citizens have the power to do within our democracy to incite social change/governmental reform. This includes: 1.) articles 2.) petitions 3.) initiatives/referendums/recalls 4.) open-source potential class-action lawsuits that everyone with a user name can contribute to 5.) video testimony 6.) highlighting of activism & art 7.) education for people to know their rights 8.) anything else Im not aware of. 8.) all articles must have to do with human rights & freedoms, & ecological recovery Now, Im going to break down what each of these that require some explanation will consist of to show you how this will benefit our ability to communicate most clearly with each other & government officials, etc.: WHAT MAKES OUR ARTICLES UNIQUE: * unlike typical journalism practices that leave people mulling around the problem after theyre done reading, each of our articles presents 1.) the problem 2.) alternative solution(s) 3.) petitions to resolve the issue embedded directly into the bottom of the petition (using petitions created on for several research & experience-based reasons) WHAT ARE INITIATIVES/REFERENDUMS/RECALLS & HOW WILL OURLANDSTOO.ORG HELP STREAMLINE THIS?: (varies by state- Im covering CA) * Initiatives are our ability to write our own laws, & then through popular vote put them DIRECTLY INTO LAW- bypassing congress. Our plan is to look at a couple successful initiatives that have already been, & to turn them into templates so that we can write our own effective initiatives, which is like a step up from simply petitions * Referendums are our ability to point at a bad law that is on the shelves, & through popular vote pull it off the shelves & take it out of law. I would like to basically allow people to nominate bad laws, do a little write-up on them, & then it will be there for people to vote on. * Recalls are our ability to point at a bad apple member of congress, & through popular vote pull them out of office. Got one youve been eyeballing? (mine is Steve King from Iowa). Point them out; make a write-up, & this will highlight all the bad apples who represent the humans who are corporations rather than the humans who are humans HOW DOES AN OPEN-SOURCE CLASS-ACTION LAWSUIT WORK? * when an individual stumbles across an issue, they have often been isolated as a conspiracy theorist- & rightfully so at times. When the issue is really big, finding a lawyer with enough sense of righteousness is not always simple, & the ones who are righteous are often swamped with issues. If we believe there is a viable class-action lawsuit (or even if the naysayers say its not viable), then it will be easier for us to pool in all our facts TOGETHER into a template that is made from the outlines of past class-action lawsuits. ALL OUR PHOTOS ARE VALUABLE TOOLS NOW: * it is technically illegal to use a photo from another website, so if we take our own photos, we can use them not eh site without any sense of liability lurking in the back of the web-hosts head (my head). If you have an issue with something, take relative photos so we may use them on the site. SPEAKING OF PHOTOS, I NEED A PARTICULAR PHOTO & WANT YOUR HELP: I found a layout that will work for very well & will work with all devices nicely. The front page consists of 3 smaller photos at the top, & one large partial photo at the bottom. The 3 smaller photos will be used to explain our Problem solution petition approach, & the the large partial photo will be a really neat one that will make people want to scroll down & see more of the photo, which will also lead them further into the website (as a site designer it is good to have people want to scroll down to see more rather than just feel like theres way too much content blasting out at once in my opinion). THAT PHOTO will be of a group of people standing together with various issues. I would like that photo to have people really dressed up to play up the part of each of these roles. What we need is someone representing each of these factions: Occupy, Native Americans, Animal Rights, Environment, LGBT, College Students, Homeless People, Women, & one person for Corporations. How to go about getting all these people in one spot? I dont know-- thats why Im asking. Ill get the site nicely laid out & will get the articles better developed & site better designed within only a few days, but I really would like help getting this type of photo. See you this evening, Distance
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 19:40:07 +0000

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