Dear Comrades! Allow me on behalf of the Communist Party of - TopicsExpress


Dear Comrades! Allow me on behalf of the Communist Party of Albania to convey our sincere Marxist-Leninist greetings and also to thank the organizers of this important meeting! Such meetings of international level are necessary not only for the coordination of Communist Party political activities, but also for the recognition of performance and attitudes that are held on the basis of M - L. This is a necessity, because without a straight line, based on the theoretical and practical foundations of Marxism - Leninism, without relying strongly on these principles, then even our struggles and efforts won’t be in that height to respond to time’s requirements. The European Union, as an essential goal, doesn’t have the democracy nor the peoples freedom, on the contrary, it, as a political, economic and military organism, aims the peoples enslavement, the imperialism domination in a continental form, to ensure its own interests. Also, it’s easy to be understood that this merger become at the same time to compete, to divide and re-divide the areas of influence. These are features of imperialism, which as V.I.Lenini had analyzed, even today, after almost a century later, hasn’t changed its nature. What have to do the Communist Parties and the Europian Proletariat in front of this evil maneuver of imperialism? Isn’t the time that the Europian Proletariat, as the Bourgeoisie did, must be more organized, more direct and more stronger than before? The fact that imperialism is a source of crises, wars and aggressions and especially the recent crisis, which from the intensity and sizes, rocked the all Europe, should have done that the Europian Proletariat with the red flag to came down on battlefield. Such moments of great crises show the inability of the ruling oligarchy to move forward and resolve the situations. But this, from the other side shows even the proletariat willingness to grabe the power and to establish the proletariat dictatorship. Why it didn’t happen so? We must be realistic. Today for today, the communist movement in the world and especially in the Europe, isn’t in that stage and level to have the abillity to respond to revolutionary burst of revolted masses, to be at the forefront of the situation, on the contrary, many parties stand on their tail. In the framework of the 100th anniversary of the First World War and its consequences, the Communist Parties must never make the same mistake of the Second International Communist, which in fact served to war and imperialism. The European Communist movement today needs no Bernshtajn and Kautck youngs, as it doesn’t need even Troskists, Eurocommunists, Toliatists, Titoites, Maoists and anarchists of any kind, who strongly shake the ragged flag of revisionism, to sabotage the revolutionary movement, in the name of socialism and communism. The sabotage made to socialism by Tito - Khrushchev – Brezhnev, the collapse of socialism in many countries where it had triumphed, of course it was a severe blow for the fate of these peoples themselves, also even for the international proletariat. The collapse of socialism in these countries was a blow not only for the Communist Parties of these countries, but also for all the Communist parties in the world. The causes of the socialism collapse in these countries, especially the anatomy of modern revisionism in power, the risk that it presents in the international communist movement, all these were made by Comrade Enver Hoxha, also as with an unparalleled principialitet, based on Marx, Lenin and Stalin ideas, has affirmed once again the nature of revisionism as Trojan Horse in Communist and Worker Movement. But the modern revisionism is a continuing companion that goes hand in hand with imperialism, even in moments of crisis it helps a lot. The same was done even by Ramiz Alia after Enver Hoxha’s death. He asphyxiated the party, took away its revolutionary spirit, using leftand ultra left slogans, fighting the bureaucratization and teknocratism with bureaucratic methods and the work went so far as he opened the Party’s doors to everyone, destroying the party even form organizational standpoint. The fact that on the 10th Congress the Labour Party of Albania was peacefully turned in the Socialist Party, it had previously received the blessing of all imperialism and revisionist sludge. Today is spoken much, till in uplift for Marxist-Leninist ideas. There are many parties wich, even though those are in their formation or towards their consolidation, are still not clear. You cannot be declared like if you accept all them, from Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin-Enver Hoxha, since such renegades as Khrushchev - Brezhnev - Tito – Gorbachev. By the other side, it has a huge uncertainty in many Communist Party for Mao Zedongs role in the communist movement. We Albanian communists uphold to Comrade Enver Hoxha’s thesis that Mao Zedong was a great leader of Chinese people, a decent fighter and a flaming organizer, who led the struggle of the Chinese people to victory. He had an extensive philosophical mindset, he liked the Marxist philosophy, but he was varied much to large principle errors. His theory of the Three Worlds is profoundly anti-Marxist and the maocedun-idea itself a philosophy which with or without intentionally, sabotages the communist movement and the proletarian revolution itself. To understand basically the role of Maoist opportunism, it should be carefully studied the theoretical basis of Maocedun idea and still more to understand the criticism against him, should be studied the Imperialism and Revolution work and the Political Diary of Comrade Enver Hoxha, Reflektions of China. Without combbatrere the modern revisionism- we can not fight imperialism with success In the same way, we can stop in the role of J. Stalin figure. He, as a comrade-in-arms of V.I. Lenin, during the revolution faithfully followed the line of the right M. - L. of GDP Soviet Union, brought forward not only victories of the socialist revolution, but faced with the Red Army one of the worst attacks of Nazis and Hitler fever. Without his principiality, without the Communist Party of Soviet Union role of that time, without the Red Army and without the throughout popular war of europian peoples, it wouldn’t be any surprise that, still today, at the top of many European countries to have quisling governments speaking German. Therefore, who denigrade his image, is joining the anti-communism chorus, led by imperialists in general and especially, the Euro - Atlantic in particular. For what are looking more the European Union and the United States? Those Require the punishment of communism crimes! Currently, in the communist movement it has parties that label themselves as communist, but when it is mentioned the socialist revolution and the armed insurrection as the main tool for taking the power and establishing the proletariat dictatorship, those become slipped, crouched and for more incline to the parliamentary reformism fact, of taking the power in a peaceful form, ect. The peaceful way of taking the power is and will remain only an illusion and to hope on this thing, would be the same as we hope that Pope of Rome himself, will fight for both socialism and communism. Until now the theory and the practice of revolution had proved and proves that all the big economic and social transformations are made through armed uprisings. So, why we have to be afraid? Even when the bourgeoisie itself broke down the feudal order, didn’t it come through bourgeois revolutions? In the communist movement, especially in the Communist Party is not enough to declare that we are “Marxist-Leninist”, also is not enough to put Lenin on the jacket collar. Being communist means to be prepared not only theoretically, but being so even in practical activity in specific situations. If we will see the picture of events in Syria, there were many parties line up on the side of Assad, condemning American imperialist intervention in the internal affairs of Syria, nay even Syrian Communist Party itself standing by Assad, who successfully played the ardent antiipmerialisti role. This approaching was supported by China, Russia, Korea and some other countries. But, whose interests are in this supporting? Can the Communist Parties fall into such traps supporting an imperialism to fight another ?! Obviously the revolutionary forces, the Communist Parties and other progressive forces in the world defended Syrian people and fought every interference in the internal affairs of Syria, urging the Syrian people to see at first its national unity, eliminating the fratricidal bloodshed for the imperialism interests to anyone regardless his color. The bleeding with apocalyptic proportions should disturb all international movement and not the war with declarations.The Communist Party of Syria there lay down on unfair position. It should call the people for national unity, also it should descend on the battlefield and turn the civil war into motion in the interest of the revolution to overthrow the despotic regime, as to make clear to all Syrian people the nature of American imperialism, which is the biggest terrorist itself of all peoples, and that the efforts of this imperialism were not in the interest of Syria, of peace and of prosperity, but simply rivalry between Russia and the USA. The same phenomenon but with other nuances happened and continue even in Ukraine. Various separatist forces under the guise of the right of self determination of peoples, created armed conflict, where in fact behind this conflict there are economic interests of European and Russian imperialism. The issue is that now, the national problems are being used and played successfully by imperialism. They destabilize until the tragic stage, then intervene to stabilize in the name of peace. The European Union has its own interests, so when the President Putin said that he would close the taps of Ukraine, the European imperialists ran to help him by promising a package of emergency for Ukraine and simultaneously, threatening sanctions and restrictions on aid to Russia. The maintaining of a country sovereignty, the struggle against the imperialist intervention is obviously the duty of the Communist Party, but its mission doesn’t stop there. The ultimate goal of every communist party is the victory of socialism and communism in the region and the world. The European Imperialism and the USA proclaim the great war against terrorism from a long time. It’s interesting that this war that they have declared, starts with the crisis that has stuck them itselves. Obviously the terrorism and anarchism exist, but as the terrorism, so even the anarchism are greatly stimulated by the following international gendarmes and this war they that do, is simply a shift of attention of the people and of revolutionary forces the major problems that are raised for solutions. The crises are not only aggressive wars resource for redrawing of the world, but those, if the europian union proletariat pick up the situation with their communist parties M.-L., necessarily lead to the overthrow of the existing order. That is why imperialism play the trumpets of terrorism, fueling conflicts of fire areas in regions which are studied very well by them. The created situations can also lead to a third world war. What to do: Fighting for the homeland protection, as the Second International chiefs made calling, or to prevent bloodshed and to stop imperialism hand ?! The Imperialist hand stops when we show our unity, our strength and our willingness to destroy imperialist plans and if the situation is possible, these should be returned and orientated towards general uprising, to establish once and for all the dictatorship’s proletariat in European and international scale. Long Live the Marxism-Leninism! Long Live the Real Communist Parties M._L. everywhere in the world! Long live our ideology of Marx-Engels- Lenin- Stalin and Enver Hoxha ! Long live the proletariat revolution and the dictatur of proletariat Long Live the proletarian internationalism! Bruxeles 2.10.2014
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 09:24:17 +0000

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