Dear : Congress I wanted to make sure you knew that ICE Union - TopicsExpress


Dear : Congress I wanted to make sure you knew that ICE Union head Chris Crane wrote to American business leaders after they met with Pres. Obama at the White House and let them know that their support for comprehensive immigration reform has profoundly negative effects for our nation and for the American people. I hope you will take his comments to heart and make sure amnesty doesnt reach President Obamas desk. Chris Crane understands how immigration impacts public safety better than anyone on Capital Hill, and certainly better than anyone sitting in a corner office. Despite this, businesses are willing to ignore those with knowledge of immigration enforcement simply to increase their companys bottom line. Mr Crane wrote: Are you really willing to support an immigration plan that will put officers and the public in danger simply because it includes special items that advance the financial or political interests of your group or company? Are we in law enforcement not worthy of your respect? Do you believe that our experience and advice is without value in creating new immigration legislation? I am requesting a meeting with each of you to discuss the answers to these questions, as well as to speak to you about the field experience of immigration officers and agents who daily witness a side of our nations immigration crisis that many in the media and indeed our government actively work to conceal from the American public. In addition to the threat to public safety, the Senates comprehensive amnesty bill would add 33 million new permanent foreign workers over the next decade while 20 million Americans who want a full-time job cant find one. The vast majority of these foreign workers do not have talents that American workers lack. On top of this, many of the corporations pushing for amnesty have laid of workers over the past months and years. It is definitely worth questioning where these corporations true interests lie. I hope you will take Chris Cranes letter to heart. Those seeking to profit from immigration reform are being listened to, while those seeking to defend our nation and help Americans get back to work are being ignored. Mr. Crane makes it clear that public safety will suffer if this legislation is passed: ICE officers arguably know more about our nations broken immigration system than any group in the United States. Yet President Barack Obama and the Gang of Eight actively prohibited them from having input. Only influential and affluent groups and wealthy individuals like you were given an opportunity to provide real input on our nations new immigration laws. As ICE officers fought a very public battle seeking to add measures that would provide for public safety and national security, you did nothing to assist or support us, but in fact--through your advocacy -- put officers and the public at risk. As a result, the Senate passed an immigration bill that will fail America. While this legislation may satisfy your personal financial or political objectives, it undermines immigration enforcement and worsens the immigration problems currently experienced in the United States. In addition, 20 million Americans cannot find a full-time job. 7 million illegal aliens have non-agricultural job. Comprehensive immigration reform would give work permits to 11-18 million illegal aliens. This legislation would also hand out 33 million permanent foreign worker visas in the first 10 years alone. Is it any wonder American business leaders are pushing for its passage? Furthermore, was it simply coincidence that these same corporations laid of hundreds of thousands of American workers to make room for lower-paid foreign workers? Its clear that Americans would suffer dearly if comprehensive amnesty is passed. I urge you to take both of these arguments into consideration. If this legislation is passed our nation will be devastated. Mr Crane wrote: Are you really willing to support an immigration plan that will put officers and the public in danger simply because it includes special items that advance the financial or political interests of your group or company? Who knows more about our nations public safety - the man who heads the union that represents law enforcement officials charged with enforcing federal immigration laws or big business executives? I think its pretty obvious. I urge you to read Mr. Cranes pleas to the business community and oppose any immigration reform that will risk our nations security.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 22:53:55 +0000

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