Dear Congress: Let me make this as clear as I can, as if you even - TopicsExpress


Dear Congress: Let me make this as clear as I can, as if you even care what the American citizen thinks. I will do everything in my power to ensure that those holding office at this time will not be reelected! I know that you do not care because I am only one person. I pray that others feel the same way. I cannot condemn you without you not being aware of my complaints. 1. You receive e-mail and letters from the people who have elected you and your staff will read them and reply with BS answers that insult our intelligence. I doubt seriously that you even know who is concerned about our country or even care. 2. You will not participate in the healthcare system that you never read, you will not stand up against the bill you called a train wreck. Man up and take the same healthcare you forced on us, you are not better than the people who have elected you. 3. You keep spending money like you have it, but destroy the very lives of the men and women that served our country. They don’t even get the same benefits as federal employees who I might add are as dishonest and self-important as you. 4. While everyone is suffering financially in this country, you will not take reductions in pay and benefits, you will just set up there in Washington oblivious to the real world and hold on to your inflated pay, benefits and 4 year retirement system. 5. You have made the lazy Americans dependent on government handouts (welfare) at the expense of the working citizens. If you were thinking, America would have a program like the WPA which supported Americans during the depression, by giving them hope and pride while reconstructing America. 6. You want to tax, tax, tax so you can give away to rogue countries that hate us. 7. You would rather chastise a rodeo clown for freedom of speech (doing what has been done to every president) instead of taking care of terrorism. (STUPID) Put on your big boy pants. 8. You want our guns because you want to control us, but the common criminal including you have their rights. By the way good luck with that gun control thing. 9. You lie to the people telling us we can keep our insurance and knowing that you will not let us. The bottom line is this: You are dishonest, pompous, lazy, and thieves. It is hard for me not to use profanity when I speak of you. I always think I may make a list (IRS) for invoking my 1st Amendment Rights. You have not even given us a good faith effort in the past few years. While it is on my mind, Liberals, please take the money you have and buy a life, not everyone who disagrees with you are racists. I am about sick and tired of you viciously lashing out against Americans who disagree with you. This is a free country and we put up with you. I am tempted to be politically incorrect and lower myself to your level and fire back. Think! No I can’t get that low.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 12:12:43 +0000

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