Dear Crestwood Residents, I was angry and disappointing to see - TopicsExpress


Dear Crestwood Residents, I was angry and disappointing to see that the Illinois Realtors Association has launched a campaign to convince Crestwood residents that Home Rule would harm the citizens of Crestwood and all but bring an end to civilization, as we know it. But unfortunately, I cant say that such underhanded tactics came as any surprise to anyone who has spent their life in the south side and south suburban areas of Chicago. All of us know first hand what it is like to have been victimized by the incredible greed spawned by unscrupulous realtors. The current mailing this group has sent to Crestwood residents’ claims to list as “facts” negative things that could result from instilling Home Rule. In the interest of honesty, let me first respond to each of the supposed “facts” that they list in their mailing: • They claim in bold lettering that under Home Rule “additional taxes” might be imposed without voter approval. The truth is that additional taxes can be imposed without voter approval right now. Home Rule would actually give voters more control over taxation because voters would have direct control over the local elected officials they put in office. Just try calling the Governor or County President today to complain about the taxes they put upon residents of Crestwood and your chances of getting them on the phone are zero. With Home Rule, the decision makers affecting your Village are always available to you and they will answer your call. This is why the majority of citizens in Illinois choose Home Rule. They gain more power over the decision-making processes that affect their local communities. • They claim that “the Village may incur debt, resulting in higher property taxes…” The truth is that the village could incur debt now that could increase property taxes. This is like telling people a zombie invasion could result from Home Rule that might affect property taxes. It simply makes no sense other than to scare residents with unfounded fears and “what-ifs” that defy any basis or common sense. • They claim - again in bold letter - that Home Rule units are exempt from the property tax cap law… The truth here is that more than seventy percent of all citizens of this state live under Home Rule and not one instance can be found anywhere in the state where property taxes were raised above caps because of Home Rule – not one! Every mayor in every municipality I work with complains about the high property taxes that currently exist within their towns and villages. I have never met one that wants to raise property tax to the point that they exceed those in surrounding villages. The very idea of doing such a thing is too ludicrous to be seriously considered. • Finally, they claim – once again in bold lettering - that the “Village can pass new regulations and fees on homeowners and businesses”. The truth here is that for the most part, we can do that now. But they are right that some rules and regulations we impose would require Home Rule. And it is in this final statement that we may actually see the motives behind the expense and effort this group of outsiders is mounting to keep Crestwood from voting yes to Home Rule. The big question we should all ask ourselves is why would the Illinois Association of Realtors and their front group, the Mainstreet Organization of Realtors go through the considerable expense and effort they have undertaken to peddle panic to our residents through a nonsensical mailing based on half-truths and downright lies? One very plausible explanation is found in the Illinois Crime Housing Law. Under Illinois Senate Bill 1766, the village could order the eviction of tenants in rental properties who commit serious crimes or when police officers are repeatedly summoned to their rental unit for reported criminal activity. The Illinois Crime Housing Law was put in place to specifically allow communities to evict such criminals and to give communities the power to keep crime away from their communities. While there is much good in this law, it comes with one big stipulation. That stipulation is in the fact that only communities who have Home Rule can utilize the law and force evictions that get rid of criminals who reside within their communities. The Illinois Association of Realtors, who represent landlords and the realtors who profit by placing felons within rental properties, don’t like this law. They initially waged a campaign to block the law and today, they continue efforts to get the law nullified so that their members can continue to profit at the expense of the law abiding citizens within towns and villages throughout Illinois. It is shocking to me that a profession that still bares the stains of blood on their hands from the destruction of entire communities through panic peddling during the 1960’s and 70’s on the south side of Chicago and its southern suburbs, would have the audacity to bother citizens in Crestwood with lies and disinformation in order to panic residents so they can continue the never ending greed they seem to harbor for themselves and their members. I call upon every citizen of Crestwood to reject this blatant attempt to revive such panic peddling tactics. I call upon every citizen to truly learn the truth about Home Rule and to send a clear and resounding message to the panic peddlers who wish to see our village overrun with drug dealers and other felons all to fatten the wallets of greedy landlords and realtors such as those currently attempting to spread lies and fear among us. I ask you to reject these panic peddlers as you would the lowest of parasites by voting Yes to Home Rule and keeping the future of Crestwood in your hands and out of theirs. Sincerely, Lou Presta Mayor
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 01:58:43 +0000

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