Dear Darren, Lets take a trip down memory lane :) We met each - TopicsExpress


Dear Darren, Lets take a trip down memory lane :) We met each in a webcam group chat in the summer after 8th grade in which everyone awkwardly left. We had a conversation, one-one-one, as strangers and my first impression of you was hey, youre a cool guy to talk to. Then, I met Steven in freshman year; as Troy students from Diamond Bar, Steven and I found comfort in becoming friends in the unfamiliar Fullerton environment. He brought up your name, Darren Peng, and he told me that youre one of his closest friends. Im so glad that the guy I once knew as Stevens homie would become one my homies over time. I treasure every memory I have with you: from the time we cut outselves, racing at the ice skating rink to your last words to me, its okay, bro. I love you too. You gave me the insight to understand what family means. Remember when we went Stevens benefit concert sophomore year? I saw how close you were to your family compared to how close I was to mine. I sat awkwardly in the back of your car as you and your dad were jokingly arguing with Rachel and your mom. I remember feelings of envy because the members of my family rarely spoke with one another. Later the night, we had our first bro talk, right after the man gave us 2 free boxes of pizza. As we waited for your mom to pick us up, you told me that no one cared about you besides Steven and Nathan. I told you that it wasnt true and you just shrugged it off. A year later, you told me that you were wrong. I took you out to the mountains, but there was a cycling event going on so we ended up sitting by the creek. We both had girl problems at time and vented about how stupid girls are. Man, were WE stupid :) Anyway, you taught me an important lesson that day: the importance of family. Im grateful for our talk because I am much closer to my family than I was back then. You said with happy tears, Thanks for taking me here; this place reminds me of all the times I went camping with my family.... I love my parents so much; they have done so much for me.... My sister is so ******* annoying, but I love her; I want to see her grow up to become a beautiful, successful woman. After another hour of talking about life, we headed back to the car, rolled down the windows, blasted music, and shouted at the top of our lungs. Thank you for the 6 hours that I will never forget; we covered just about everything that goes on in a high school students life including our deepest insecurities. I admire you for staying strong, Darren Peng. You never ceased to care about other people. Empathy is my favorite word and it fits you so perfectly. I love you, bro
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 23:26:14 +0000

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