Dear Daughter and Son 004- Part - TopicsExpress


Dear Daughter and Son 004- Part 2, #mumtodaughterandsonseries Today I would like to address both of you. Thank you for joining me. Room 4 - PART (2) - A -Taming your Temper My Son and Daughter, one thing that I have learned that kills intimacy in a relationship is Temper. In my definition; Temper is a combination of all this…. Anger and Rage gives birth to Bitterness, and then Bitterness gives birth to Clamor, Slander and Malice. In the end when not tamed it gives birth to death. Sometimes physical death but mostly it blurs the vision of your destiny. You end up living a life of no peace and the Joy of the Lord departs from you. Therefore it is very vital to learn how to tame your temper. I can see in your eyes you love each other, let this never die because of temper. Always reach out to each other in tenderness and kindness. So how do you tame your temper? To tame your temper you will have to put off the following things:- (Ephesians 4:31-NIV)- Get rid of all BITTERNESS, RAGE and ANGER, CLAMOR and SLANDER, along with every form of MALICE. (i). Remove all RAGE and ANGER from your heart. Rage refers to sudden outbursts of temper, when someone boils over whereas Anger refers to a more settled attitude, often with the purpose of revenge. (ii). Remove all BITTERNESS from your heart. Bitterness develops over time as we nurse our anger and tell ourselves that we have good cause to be angry. We play the situation where we got angry over and over in our minds, often blaming the other person and justifying ourselves. When you are bitter you often refuse to forgive or be reconciled. (iii). Remove all CLAMOR from your heart. Clamor refers to loud, angry words, where people are screaming at each other. It includes cursing and calling someone abusive names. (iv). Remove all SLANDER from your heart. Slander refers to speaking evil about someone to someone else who has no need to hear it. Usually, we do this to build our case against the person, so that we look like the innocent victim. (v). Remove all MALICE from your heart. Malice is a general term for wickedness or ill will towards another person. It is the desire to harm the person, either emotionally or physically. When coupled with slander, the intent is to harm the person’s reputation or his relationships with others by smearing him or her My children guard your heart from such things and you marriage will be successful. Before you go to sleep every night learn to empty your heart to God. This will allow God to replenish you with tenderness, kindness, joy, laughter and peace that surpass human understanding. (Ephesians 4:26-27)- Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil. Join me tomorrow; I will share with you about a man in the bible who lost his great destiny because of anger and bitterness. to be continued….. With love and compassion, Mum #thebibleinspiresme - Rebuilding the Broken Walls in our Homes.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 10:47:09 +0000

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