Dear Dear Friends and Family of Tccc, and to those that are New - TopicsExpress


Dear Dear Friends and Family of Tccc, and to those that are New Hearers Today. Good News for you and me: God has set before us a particular, specific race to run. If youre not physically fit to run 10 miles........ its okay! Its not that kind of race. Its a spiritual race that God has planned for us to fulfill. His goal for us is to not only run this race, but to finish the course. 2 Timothy 4:7 Are you a peace maker and a fixer? A word of knowledge for you,.... and this is hard for those of us that are peacemakers and fixers. We try to run and win for everybody! I have learned the hard way that We cannot run someone elses race or finish someone elses course. God has given each of us a different course. That also means husbands and wives and children, family, friends... each one different. Im thinking of the many times Pete &I have had businesses and thought our children would fit perfectly in this plan. Or.... I know, if we build a house this big with these accommodations,we can fix and provide this for them... Oh yes.....I know... I know Now..It doesnt work that way. ...But I didnt know then. I remember the days when the pain for any one our children was so great, situation too unbearable it seemed,... I wanted to fix it, take it upon myself, anything to get it off them.. But it doesnt work that way. Not yesterday and not today. We each run our own race and we each stand accountable for our actions or inaction. The Lords Way is Always Best.......Alot of me still wants to be a fixer....Now I know who to go to. Just like you...... Im praying for all my family and friends to come to the Lord. I want every Blessing thats available to come to them. Look in the Book of Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. Remember how we talked last week that We dont figure out the Bible, but that God Reveals to us what we can receive and know, according to our Faith? There are some secrets God has chosen not to reveal to us. Perhaps because our little minds cant fully understand.. Perhaps some things arent necessary for us to know until were more mature. One thing we do know, God is infinite and all-knowing. Even though we may not know everything there is to know about obeying Him, He has told us enough so that we know what we should or should not do. Any of our disobedience is a direct result of us using our Free Will on the choices we make. (not lack of knowledge) I know we dont like to take that responsibility ourselves, but it is a fact. In this day of communication, Im sure that most everyone that we know has had an opportunity to hear the Word of God. Through Gods Word we know enough about Him to be Saved, to have Eternal Life and to Serve Him, and not serve our selfish selves. Theres way too much, yeah, but What about me? What about what you want to do.? .. Is it the plan God has prepared for you? How many times do we question why stuff happens? I yearn for the Word of God to be understood and accepted by everyone I am able to witness to. Its an urgency I cant put into words. On Restoration Ridge, here at Tccc, we have a HUGE birch tree. Its been cleared out all around it, and it has a huge limb EXTENDING from the trunk...... With some engineering,.... a Big porch style swing could be swinging from it. The Lord showed me a picture story. I saw it swinging with people in it. Laughing and talking, just enjoying the moment. Life is like that. Bear with me while I try to explain. The swing was hanging with a big oversized swing rope. Then I saw a plain ordinary steak knife. I watched it being drawn across the rope. It didnt leave much of a mark or significantly damage the rope. The people in the swing didnt pay any attention to what was going on. They were still swinging and still laughing. Time after time the steak knife took a swipe across the rope. Then I saw it was beginning to show distress. The fraying was beginning to become obvious. But the people in the swing still paid no attention, still swinging, still laughing. As the rope became damaged, and the knife continued to drag again and again across the rope, I tried to yell to them and tell them, be careful, watch out.. the rope is going to break.. Pay attention, look up, hey you guys, look up.. Youre going to fall, somebody is going to get hurt, please, hey, can you hear me? I couldnt understand why they didnt hear me. I didnt see them fall, I didnt see the swing break, but I knew they were in danger. Then the Vision left. I hear so many people tell me about their families and friends in some very bad situations. Everything from financial problems, relationship difficulty, marriages not on the same page, health issues and of course thats only some... You yourself could add to the list Im sure. They cant understand why all this stuff is going on, why is this happening to them, or me? I know that I dont have all the answers either. But what I have realized in my life and relationship with God is this. Its usually not the ONE BIG THING that breaks the swing rope. Its all the little things that we dont pay attention to. Its all the times we take someone or something for granted. Its all the times we overeat or eat the wrong things. Its the times we partied way too many times. Its getting into too many relationships and not using good God judgement. Its all the times we drive too fast over the speed limit. Its not making the children mind and obey the rules you and your spouse have set. Its all the little lies, not just the big one. Its not being fair in dealing with people. Its not keeping promises youve made. Scripture Song of Solomon Chapter 2:15 Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin (or spoil) the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom. These are some of the reasons that life doesnt end up fair. We have,.... and the ones we love so much,.... have made the choices to do things our own way and not Gods way. Theres a lot of unfinished business to be attended to. There needs to be a time when we take a hard look at ourselves. Its time to ask the Lord to forgive our acts of disobedience. And when we do that, accept His gift, then dont go down that same road again! Do you know the easiest way to handle all these situations is to practice Matthew 22:37 Jesus replied, Love the Lord your God with All your heart and with All your soul and with All your mind.. 38.This is the first and greatest commandment. I know it sounds too simple, but if we put Love First.. We will pay attention, we will always do whats right, well always take care of our body, well always be faithful and truthful.... Never let one bit of ill-will or wrong feeling in your heart about anybody. Stay the course and follow Gods plan for your life, stay healthy, walk in His blessings, be successful and prosper. Now you are going to have to take a stand. You must stay in the obedience of love. Its not difficult to follow Gods plan for your life. God wants you to succeed more than you do. Accept Gods Best and live in the blessings of God in this life. God wants every believer to run his own spiritual race and finish the course in life with joy! That means YOU. My heart is full of so much more, but itll have to be next time... This is getting long, and youll get tired of reading!! Pete and I Thank God for you. We know your faith is growing stronger every day. We know youre learning to Love one another more effectively and genuinely. Our prayer for you is: 1 Thessalonians 1:2 Grace and Peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen Thanks again for sending in your prayer requests and Praise Reports.. Satan is definitely the loser! Thank you for praying for us and Tccc ministry too. We Thank God that He is our Savior,Healer, Deliverer, Our Peace, Our Provider, Our Strength Giver, He is Our Everything..and we say.. Lord we Worship You.... You are doing Great things and we Bless Your Holy Name. Every Good thing you and I are enjoying this week came from our Father God. Pics of Mission Crew from the west side of the state here this weekend, Sunday Service in the Meeting Barn, the Chapel couldnt fit us all, dinner in the Meeting Barn, & campfire fellowship with music. God youre Good And we Thank Him You can contact us at our email address : donnapete1993@gmail Website : trailsidechapel Facebook Phone Number : (989)838 - 2536 Mailing Address : Trailside Chapel Caffey Corner (Tccc) W6671 Hiawatha Trail Naubinway, Mi 49762
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 12:47:15 +0000

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