Dear Debaters, As was announced yesterday the OAU/AU Debate - TopicsExpress


Dear Debaters, As was announced yesterday the OAU/AU Debate Championship finals will be held in Eenhana, Ohangwena region on the 25th of May 2014. This will be a big event, calling on Namibias most prominent figures to bear witness to the debaters articulation of solutions to common problems. The event will be attended by Members of the diplomatic corps, members of Parliament, Governors of the Regions, The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister, The Honorable Chairperson of the National Council, the Honorable Speaker of the National Assembly, The Right Honorable Hage Geingob - Prime Minister, His Excellency Dr. Sam Nujoma, Founding President and His Excellency Hifikepunye Pohamba, President of the Republic of Namibia. As should be evident, it will be a grand event and we look forward to seeing all our debaters in top form on that day. A few matters at this stage are important to note: 1. Debaters and Adjudicators, as well as a limited number of observers will be provided with transportation, accommodation and meals for the duration of their stay out of Windhoek for the purposes of this event. 2. All Debaters and Adjudicators will be provided with Letters from the Ministry to submit to their employers or institutions in order to be granted the necessary leave, for them to attend. 3. For the debaters who are absolutely unable to make it, the OrgCom has put in motion plans to address this issue of missing teams or speakers, however owing to the premature nature of such plans, they will not be disclosed here just yet. 4. The final meeting with the various stakeholders in this event will be held tomorrow, and full details will be disclosed to the participants when such meeting has resolved itself on a number of pending matters. 5. Any debaters or adjudicators who have any further queries at this point, or who are with certainty are unable to attend the finals, should please contact me. Either via Facebook, email (naunyango@gmail) or via phone (0814397146). Kind regards, Tournament Director.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 18:59:19 +0000

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