Dear Diary, This is gonna start out a little mundane, but stay - TopicsExpress


Dear Diary, This is gonna start out a little mundane, but stay with me folks, it gets entertaining in the second stage lol. This afternoon got Omas camper winterized in the nick of time, then bills all paid and grocery shopping before the storm hits. Was 73 when we left the house around 2, When we got back home at around 6:30, we lost 35 degrees somewhere! Stepped out of the pickup wrong when we made our first stop at Stansells and my sciatic nerve decided it wanted to come out and play. Got to the Wal-Mart but did not make it inside, got to the outer edge of the parking lot and said hell no. May have to go before the freeze lets up, but tonight was NOT the night. Trudged through Albertsons limping. It was CRAZY in there! But got it done and got all stocked up on groceries. If the toilet paper holds out, we may not have to leave the house until all this freeze crap is over with lol. In other news, Lisa went back home today. Been a long time since we got to spend this much time together. The circumstances sucked, but I am glad for the time us sisters had together and with other family. Jesses gout attack is easing up finally, but as of last night, my uncles started up. He blames it on Jesse, says he shoulda known better than to stand that close to him lol. He retaliated by giving my dear husband an ice crushing machine that we found out at Grandmas. It was kinda like the fruitcake that no one wants to take home. He was thrilled, and I dont say that in a sarcastic way. Jesse and Jack got back to the house last night and first thing they do is plug the damn thing in and start crushing ice and talking about all of the possibilities for slushies, snowcones and the like, which are endless because it has a course setting for margaritas and what not and a fine setting for snow cones, etc....He is loving it! It will be a long standing family gathering piece for conversation for many years to come. Its memories like those that I live for. With that all being said, kind of a late dinner tonight. Chicken alfredo for Jesse and red clam sauce for me! Some wonderful foccacia (sp) bread that Todd Cash left for me to go with it! Wonderful, warm comfort food for supper on this cold evening!! Then maybe a hot bath to soothe the old sciatic nerve. Cant complain one little bit! Praying for no power outages with this storm! Have a wonderful night all and a Truly Blessed tomorrow. Stay warm out there yall!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 03:40:04 +0000

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