Dear Diary, To start with, this may be a little boring at first, - TopicsExpress


Dear Diary, To start with, this may be a little boring at first, but stay with me here folks, it gets better! Its been a trying, exhausting day is all I can say. More so than the usual, and the usual really doesnt involve much in my world if you get right down to it lol. Still trying to deal with a lot of crap. Ive learned in recent experiences and well, from past experiences, never say its done and over until its REALLY done and over, and then expect some form of residual crap either way. There are things that I do have to lean on in these times of residual shit though. My dear, loving husband for starters. Lord sometimes I wonder how he holds on with me and stands beside me. Carries me when I just cant do one more thing. Lord, THANK YOU for bringing this wonderful soul into my life! And also, thank you Lord for being my saving grace, Ive never been known to have a whole lot of it, so thank you again. In other news, speaking of grace, or rather being graceful, Im back to my old self! After the stressful day/past several days, Jesse and I took a break to go to town, go to the grocery store and just spend an hour together. During said hour, the phone calls did not stop, the crap continued, but we still tried to enjoy our time together. We get home, Im upset due to phone calls and what not but holding it all in, we had company coming over for supper and I had a meal to prepare. I go to help unload groceries, walking up to the porch with both hands full of bags and BAM! An extension cord jumped right in front of me and caught both feet......face plant. Jesse comes running, Im crying at this point more out of frustration than pain. UPNOTE! Didnt break nor bruise one single thing I was carrying! See, there IS a positive to everything! Supper enjoyed by all. Jesse grilled steaks, we had squash casserole, a nice salad and Mediterranean roasted red potatoes. Delicious! Feeling the soreness coming on from the fall, but nothing major. Its already leaving a mark though, so boo on that. Not bleeding out so, hey, IM GOOD TO GO! With that, have a wonderful night all and a truly Blessed tomorrow. Love, Peace, Happiness and Healing to each of you!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 07:01:39 +0000

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