Dear Diary *insert23* I woke up early the following dae...took - TopicsExpress


Dear Diary *insert23* I woke up early the following dae...took a shower then wore my long black jumsuit,with my black pumps written sissy boyin white...then ndabopha intloko yam...bendizixelele nje that I was gna spend the whole dae with my I went to the kitchen just to make myself something to eat...bendilambile ddnt have supper the previous night as I was eating I heard umnyango wase front uvuleka..then Lutho was laughing ehake usahamb analomntana hay sekendidikile mn ahok Lutho:hy *leaving u girl to behind to close the door* Me:hello *he went straight to his room...bebelele esithuben alok nalo notaka wakhe* Lizzy:hy SIS INLAW *hehake inoba undivani lona sana* Me:molo Lizeka...sowuhlala apha na girl Lizzy:what does that suppose to mean Me:hay akhonto SIS INLAW *ndahleka as ndifaka isitya in the sink...ndabe ndimbona ba uncithekile...haywethu andina xesha lakhe mna* Lizzy:hapo isitya awusasipuli nosipula kodwa siso sodwa Me:ungasihlamba nawe man since ubone uba mawuzendise... *ndamshiya apho and went to take my sling bag that had my Ipod,phone ne mali and some lil things ke,xandiphuma emnyango I bumped into u Lutho* Lutho:uyaph eksen apha Me:akubuzwana Lutho:uya ke Buntu,Buntle...after what he did Me:yaz Lutho I have very important civil thing in my mind,than u Buntu Lutho:what uyo facer u mntu wakhe *rhaaaa u Lutho* Me:ohhh thats what you think of me?...yazi Lutho my BOYFRIEND is fighting for his life esbhedlele so xesha lobubhanxa andinalo so cela usuke ndigqithe Lutho:your BOYFRIEND? me:yes Lutho...ubungena yazi kaloku ngoba ulibele ngulo nondindwa wakho...sundimoshela usuku lungeka qali plz. Lutho:sis am sorry I....I ddnt know Me:mxxxm save it for someone who needs your sympathy *ndaphuma ndilila ndimanzi ndinjalo* *I got myself and thin ass in a taxi and it drove off to the hospital...I got there and u Hlomla was still know that hospital vibe mos where one would just sit and hold hands with isigulane while they are crying ingathi sekefile...* *as I was sitting there talking to him ngoku engandiva..mamakhe wangena she was on her wei to work but edlula nje just to check on him* InLaw:hy morning Me:hy ma InLaw:hapo nana stop doing this to ur self hle ubulele apha Me:no ma I just got be here the whole dae Inlaw:andizuhlala mna am off to work Me:al take care of him ma *she hugged me and left* *I SAT THERE ndade ndalamba so I dicided to go and get my self something to eat...xandibuya the doctor was standing there no Likabo and some chick...I could here them from a distance coz the doctor was yelling* Doc:I said am sorry there is nothing I can do Lika:please doc Girl:yabona lika I told u singezi apha I dont see i point in seeing someone who is half dead...manintsi amadoda paha phandle *wow* Lika:but his your b.f Girl:ha.a Lika chomy...he was not anymore Doc:ohh nanku omnye we family Ika:FAMILY??? Doc:well mama ka Hlomal said she is *ndagqitha ingathi andibon ke nam...I got there in the rum nd he ws moving*
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 11:52:35 +0000

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