Dear , Do read this article …. DELEGATE WITH - TopicsExpress


Dear , Do read this article …. DELEGATE WITH RESPONSIBILITY If one wants to grow, one needs to build a team. If one has a team ,he needs to delegate and if one delegates ,he must delegate with responsibility. What does this mean? Most people in the world delegate but when things are not done properly or not done on time or not done just the way they want it, they get very upset that it did not happen the way they wanted it to happen. When it doesn’t go your way, when people don’t follow your instructions the way you want it, when people don’t listen to you, when people do things differently and it’s a failure, that is the most important time! REFLECT & INTROSPECT! Are you cursing them, complaining about them, passing the buck on them or have you taken the responsibility for seeing how ‘you’ have been responsible to create that situation. Once you see that, ‘I am responsible’ for that situation you go to the next level of learning which takes you one step forward, towards being WEALTHY. Delegation for me started when I was 18 years of age and I started my Business. The first thing I did was appoint a secretary who would file all documents and write all the cheques at that time. I remember the time when she was getting a salary of Rs 5000 and she was earning more than what I was earning. I had never complained as I knew at the time she was doing that work, I was getting time to think and to see as to how to take my Business to the next level. In the early nineties, I was fully involved in my Business. We had about a 100 workers at that time but only 6 to 8 were reporting to me. The balance, were karigars who were with my brother. I was learning to delegate to more and more people at that time. But when I started MET Rishikul Vidyalaya 10 years back, suddenly there were so many departments and so many people, I had to give different, different, directions to all. There was a pri-primary section, primary section as well as academics, sports, arts and various other divisions so delegation became very important to run the school. That is the time when I started to delegate a lot & most of work would not be done the way I wanted. So I always saw it as how I was responsible for the same and in the process learnt with every step. Every time things did not happen my way. I asked myself, “How is it that I have created it”? Most of the time I would get answers that “I was not clear in my communication” or “I did not give proper directions” or that “I have not created proper systems to ensure it to happen the way I wish it to.” This is what happens in all organizations. The boss is so much in a hurry that he gives his instructions and directions very fast and mostly verbally, which are not taken in the right manner by the subordinate. Why? Because most of the time they do not listen properly. People are generally not good listeners so one needs to give the instruction in writing. This is how the thought pad and the Organizer came about which we use in the Pi and OTM program. Now both these programs are well known all over India and Dubai. The people whom I would delegate to, would say “Yes” to what I say, but would not do it , and would give excuses of forgetting , not remembering, etc. so I would always tell myself that- “I am not clear enough in giving instructions” “I am not patient enough for them to write it down” “I am not calm enough to see things going the other way” So in this process we came out with something called the thought pad and would give all instructions and wait for the person to write it down and this increased my patience, my calmness and my OKness. It also, increased the efficiency and the percentage of the results which I would get. The important principle of Growth is… “I delegate with Responsibility”. Responsibility means taking the blame and the failure in the right spirit and learning from each step. Learning why it did not work is the most important step to create wealth and to live in Abundance. If you curse or complain that things are not happening the way you want, it sucks your energy, pulls you down and you feel totally lost. On the other hand if you see every situation that there is a message and there’s something to learn in it ,you take the learning, create better Policies & Systems and take your efficiency to the next level. Your team members feel motivated because you have taken the blame and not passed it on to them. M S Dhoni is a perfect example in todays modern day cricket. They start revering you and start seeing you as a leader. Here is where Samadhi Meditation comes in. The more we meditate, the more we become calm peaceful and silent. In silence, one automatically becomes responsible. The more you enter into Silence, the clearer your delegation becomes and more effective decisions are made. The better your decisions, the more the wealth you create. This is a great step forward in creating Abundance. This happens only when the team is joyful with you. Joyfulness is the result of SILENCE.. So never complain about your team members. Take the Responsibility, Check out what is lacking in yourself which is making that errand not happen the way you want it. Then, enter into Silence… Create Policies and Systems out of Silence and take your service, product or business to the next level. You can never change a person, but you can build policies and systems from Silence which will bring about a change in the person. Just remember, like in the SSY class we tell, THE BUCK STOPS WITH YOU! Enter into silence & Delegate with Responsibility! Take out 3 to 4 days in a month to enter into your fullness within. Jai Gurudev ! Manojji
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 13:37:46 +0000

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