Dear Dr Thomas, Heres the truth: Our biggest national - TopicsExpress


Dear Dr Thomas, Heres the truth: Our biggest national security threat is Barack Obama. This is a president who does not believe in American exceptionalism, a president who is uninterested in national security and Americas place in the world, who considers our strength part of the problem, and who believes that America is the cause of international tension. This is like looking at the world through the wrong end of a telescope, but that is Obamas world. I wont stand for this, and you shouldnt either. I formed John Bolton PAC for one purpose -- to see that our leaders remain committed to restoring American economic and national security. And Barack Obama is so disinterested in protecting American interests, I sometimes even wonder what team hes even playing for. Dr Thomas, will you help me defeat Barack Obamas defeatist vision for America with an immediate contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more right away to Bolton PAC? Consider this - were talking about a president who did absolutely nothing to avenge the murder of our Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi, Libya, at the hands of Al-Qaeda terrorists. This is a terrible lesson for our adversaries to learn: that under Barack Obama you can murder his personal representative and get away scot-free. And, if it wasnt tragic enough, our nations top diplomat went and screamed at Congress that it doesnt matter. We will be happy to tell Hillary Clinton in unmistakable terms We know what difference it makes even if you dont. Mrs. Clinton will not escape her responsibility for what happened in Benghazi. Conservatives need to take this year to mobilize the vast majority of Americans who believe as we do - that America is the greatest nation on earth and that our leaders should start acting like it. >> We do not accept an America that is weak and declining. >> We do not accept an American military that is weak and poorly equipped. >> In particular, we do not accept an American president who is weak, indecisive, and apologetic about our country. We must return national security to the center of the political debate throughout 2014 and replace the Obama/Clinton/Kerry/Biden doctrine of drift, decline, and defeatism with a strong Reaganite foreign policy.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 06:02:13 +0000

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