Dear Editor CBS is aghast that Speaker John Boehner said - TopicsExpress


Dear Editor CBS is aghast that Speaker John Boehner said President Obama destroyed the best healthcare system in the world. Thats it, thats what Republicans and the bright wing says about President Obama that CBS just cannot stand. Him being called a Muslim Manchurian Candidate, Kenyan Manchurian Candidate, Nazi, Socialist, Antichrist and fraudulent American but none of these offended CBSs sensibilities. Perhaps the Benghazi lies they gleefully printed without the most cursive examination are compelled to correct at least one lie of the Right. Heres a question that has gone unanswered since the debate first began. Mr. Republican, you say Obamacare is the worst thing since the Black Death that wiped out 1/3 of all humanity in some places. If its the Black Death, why are the People in Massachusetts unaware that their being killed everyday by death squads and rationing is the order of the day? How is it that some 6 million residents of that State are too stupid recognize that their being murdered by Obamacare? That its the worst thing Government has ever done its citizenry. Why isnt or hasnt that question ever been asked? The fight over Obamacare and the dismantling of the signature legislation of the first Black President sells soap. Regards, Damian Brumley 1008 Hwy 1240 Montgomery, LA 71454-5515 318-792-1966
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 11:47:16 +0000

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