Dear, Emily Williams Hey babe I decided I wanted to - TopicsExpress


Dear, Emily Williams Hey babe I decided I wanted to stay up. I want to stay up and wright you this letter explaining the love I have for you. So babe you have no idea how much I had missed you when you were in Colorado. I was thinking about you everyday and every night. Even ask the people i hang out with, i was always smiling because I was thinking of you. I could not get you off my mind. And I never want to get you off my mind babe. So babe every time I think of you a smile comes to my face. Babe you are never leaving my thougts. You have always been in every thought I have had sense we got together on September 21, 2013. That was my happiest, greatest, bestest , greatest day of my life. I am so happy I got in my life Emily. Yeah babe we have our big arguments, but we have moved past them. Yes it would take a couple of days but we still got past them. But like you have told me day after day, night after night, you think your old friends hate you. I dont, I would never hate you. I would never have a reason to hate you. I would also never give up on you, I could never do that. If I gave up on you that means that I have given up on my life. And I dont plan on giving up anytime soon baby. Emily I have told everyone of my friends that I love you so so so much. I always talk about you. I think I actually annoy someof my friends because I talk about you so much. Babe, I want to be the reason why you walk into a pole and hit your head because you were looking at a funny text I sent you. But if you got hurt I would feel bad because it would be the text that I sent you fault. So im listening to our song that we danced for the first time at the dance. Wanted by Hunter Hayes. I love this song so much. But I would love it more if you sang it to me. Because you are with no doubt the best singer that I have ever heard. You could turn a song that is talking about evil and all that to a nice and beautiful song. Babe I can not stop smiling because I keep thinking about all of the good memories we have had together. Emily I wanna be the one who has your heart forever and ever. Because I would never break it, hurt it, or mess with it. Im so so so so so so so happy that a guy like me is with a girl like you. If I was in a room full of different girls and I got to pick one. I would not take my eye off of you. Because I would know that your the right girl for me. I love you babe so much. You will always be in my heart and life. I want to be with you forever and ever and I know that is a long time but I would not mind spending it with you. Oh another good song came on. Marry You by Bruno Mars. I also want you to sing this song so I could love it more. But like I have said I always want you right there next to me. But of course you just habe to live seven miles away from me. I wish u lived right next to me so I could say good night with a hug and a kiss. But Emily, I have always loved you and I always will love you no matter what happens. Well I think that im getting alittle bit tired. But I think I can manage. Emily I wanna be the reason you smile when u wake up and not frown. Emily your like the snake that has the raddle, the boat that has the paddles, your the duck with the waddle, the horse with the saddle, the day with the shadow, the rancher with the caddle. Do you get want im trying to say. Im trying to say that you are perfect for me. But hey imma go to bed. Good night beautiful sweet dreams i love you so so so much and I will always love you no matter what happens in life with us. =) ~Your Lovey~
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 06:09:23 +0000

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