Dear Esteemed ANPHA members, Last Tuesday we had a very - TopicsExpress


Dear Esteemed ANPHA members, Last Tuesday we had a very interactive roundtable meeting about “Health Diplomacy”. First, Dr Abdul Tawab Saljuqi, presented the topic through a presentation defining health diplomacy in global, regional and local contexts with practical examples, then he facilitated an open discussion with a question “Is the ministry of public health and other health organization considering health diplomacy as a key strategy to improve health?”. During discussions, it was proposed that we first need to map out the stakeholders with whom to negotiate, then we need to carry out a stakeholder analysis where we determine their interest, power and influence to help us in our diplomacy with them. By doing this, the MoPH can find itself within this context. It was also discussed that the health sector, particularly, the MoPH has played a fairly good role in health diplomacy: introducing BPHS as a strategy for PHC service delivery and attracting attention of donors to finance this during the last decade is an example of an active diplomacy. But has not acted proactively in global and regional health diplomacy arenas. It was discussed that how can ANPHA advocate for better health through health diplomacy in the country? “Health in all policies” was proposed as an area where ANPHA can advocate through ministry of public health and other key actors in health sector. In addition, the discussions identified three main actors in the health diplomacy arena; the state, private sector, and the civil society. It was proposed that, first, ANPHA shall convince these actors that health diplomacy is a good tool for them to be identified and recognized as potential actors in the field. Second, ANPHA shall bring together appropriate intellectual and evidence-based messages for the use of these actors, and third, ANPHA shall introduce and advance best strategies and approaches for better application of these steps. Finally, it was decided that ANPHA would identify a group (led by Dr Nasrat Ansari, president of ANPHA) to work on the aforementioned issues, mainly, mapping out stakeholders and carry out a context analysis, in collaboration with MoPH. Let me thank those who attended the session and made it more interactive and sorry if I have not been able to capture all the discussions. Colleagues can add to or correct the text. The next technical roundtable meeting will be held on Monday September 22, 2014. You will receive the invitation later on.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 17:29:29 +0000

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