Dear Everybody, My heart is full. I have so much to appreciate - TopicsExpress


Dear Everybody, My heart is full. I have so much to appreciate in my life right now. I dont know if I can forget the feeling of dancing in the rain on a NO SLIP STAGE (yey), in front of (AN UNOFFICIAL) 20,000 people also dancing as ONE, with my TALENTED TEAM of superstar LICENSED Zumba instructors (we never fought, we never got angry with each other, we never bickered, we just worked and worked and worked and shared our knowledge and our time and our humor in the midst of heat and rain and hunger), for MONTHS with hardly any pay. I appreciated that it wasnt HOT (haha, God, you do have a sense of humor!!) and that I wasnt COLD either (thank you, God, for my corpulence and natural insulation!) I was happy 95% of the people STAYED through the whole experience, maski wala pa yoong TSHIRTS and SNACKS nila! Im amazed to be hearing congratulatory PMs and texts and well wishes and praises from both strangers and friends. Thank you to Congressman Calalays team of Councilors and Chiefs of Staff and Barangay Officials who worked tirelessly to get our quota of participants, for District 1s curiosity to try and then obsession with Zumba Fitness, for coordinating the pocket events, snacks, logistics and information for their residents. Im so happy I and we have inspired so many to dance as if no one is looking! Im just so happy! Ive enlarged my circle of friends and supporters through this event. We, the QC Z Party team will be meeting tonight to discuss and analyze the production and see where we need to improve for a part 2, if our appeal to Guinness is accepted. We hope you will continue to support QCs effort in reaching our goal--which is not to beat Indias 6,671 participants. The goal, now, at least for me, is to break Indias 6,671 participants, on a perfectly sunny day, with a total number thats too astounding to beat ever again! We will update you as soon as possible as to the status of our appeal and the next steps to keep our goodwill with you all! Thank you, once again and more power to all of us!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 07:31:27 +0000

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