Dear Ex You dont even exist anymore. You broke me down to nothing - TopicsExpress


Dear Ex You dont even exist anymore. You broke me down to nothing and didnt even feel bad . But just know, I never loved you . I deserved more than you and I finally found that . I finally found someone that will never be you . And I never want to speak to you again . Dear Self Dont be so hard on yourself. Youre making an effort to be the girl you want to be but everyone makes mistakes in the process of doing so . Dont give up . Its never too late to be who you really want to be . Just learn from your mistakes and never make them again . Keep your chin up and smile through it all. You got this. Dear Dad As much as I want to deny it, Ill always be daddys little girl. That day I was in the hospital and terrified.. I wanted you because I knew youd be the only one who would hold my hand through it all. We fight sometimes but I know we will always have that father - daughter relationship that everyone gets jealous of . You really have been a great father for me and Im sorry for being hard to handle these past couple months. Im working on being a better person and Im learning to handle things better . But anyways, I just want you to be proud of me and know that Im always trying to be the best because you taught me to never give up and to keep moving foward despite what is going on . Dear Mom I dont really know what to say to you , not that youll ever even read this .. but you hurt me . Alot . And I feel like I will never be able to make you proud of me . Like I will never be enough to make you happy . And I feel like you dont love me and you never will unless Im a completely different person . Im sorry I cant compare to the other people in your life and Im sorry that Im not enough to make you want to wake up in the morning with a smile on your face . Im sorry I was such a bad kid that you dont want anything to do with me anymore . And Im sorry that you couldnt make one simple sacrifice just to keep me in your life . Im sorry I ever burdened you with my existence. But I do wish you knew that I want to fix our relationship and I do love you . But I cant fix anything without your help ... but Im truly sorry that Ive disappointed you ... Thats all I have to say .. Dear Crush You turned into a whole other feeling . You brought me out of my shell and I fell hard for you . You started off as a crush but now youre my love . Dear School AR - You did nothing for me . You suck . You have no true meaning to people . You dont actually look out for your students when they need it , you just pretend its all okay. So thankyou for doing absolutely nothing for me and making me leave . I wont miss you . Provost - Right now, youre a blessing and a curse but Im thankful that I had you as a choice to get me out of the rut I was in . Dear Sibling Sometimes I want to rip your head off and smash it between the doors but other times I just want to hug you. No matter how much you deny it, you look out for me . And when my heart got broken all those many times you always asked me whos head do I need to chop off? . And you always stood by my side especially when I was upset . We used to fight all the time and I used to think I hated you but now that ive left .. we have a totally different relationship . We can actually be in the same room with out killing eachother (literally) . But if you ever need anything, Im always here. Even if Im just your little sister. Dear Past Me I hate you . You disgust me .. I cant believe I was you . I will never go back to you . You will not drag me down and if you ever get brought back up then Im just gonna flush you down the toilet where you belong. You dont deserve to live on in my memories. You made so many of the same mistakes over and over and you were too stupid to learn from them . You made me feel like I had nothing in this world worth living for because you burned all your bridges. Just dont ever come back up is all I ask from you . Dont drag me down again . I am the new me now. Dear First Love You are my first and only love . The feelings I have for you are things ive never felt before .. At first it terrified me to the point to where I couldnt breath but then I let you in and I just knew .. I knew that I loved you with everything I had in me . I still love you . I will always love you . You are currently the one who makes me smile every day and youre my heart beating outside of my chest . You are an amazing person , never forget that .
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 07:33:30 +0000

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